Combining Gp2x & Psp


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Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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I'm willing to get a PSP or/and a GP2X, but I don't know if I should. I like my GP32 but it lacks games (exept emu's), but the PSP lacks homebrew.
I do want to develop games or apps for my handheld, but also want to use mediaplayer functions and games.

What would you do, get them both?
PSP has homebrew but it won't be as effective as the GP2X due to battery life, the screen ratio and the lack of an official SDK. There's also the fact that you can forget homebrew on the PSP if you want to play any new games due to the automatic firmware updates.

The GPx2 should comfortably be able to handle all consoles up until the PS1 and probably do reasonable arcade emu (CPS2 - most capcom beat em ups). Not saying it won't be able to do PS1, it's just that will be be cutting it close in terms of getting a playable speed from what I can estimate from the power of the console.

It's up to you, modern games or up to (maybe including) 32bit games
Not to mention you'll feel much more comfortable and safe carrying around GP2X.

Just imagine dropping a PSP on ashphalt and makes that huge CRACK sound. Poof, $400 (futureshop, Canada) gone instantly.

Whereas GP2X will only cost USD200 max, and because of the hardware designing, GP2X should be much better at handling shocks and bruises.

PSP will make you a good target in a downtown or bustling city with many people too. :P

GP2X just makes so much sense and it's capable of everything PSP can do minus the commercial games.
a psp = 250 Euro
a gp2x will be around 200 Euro

So that won't be the issue (not that I'm having tons of money lying around).

I want to play games, a N-DS would be a option because it has nice games.
But the DS has graphics that aren't that nice as the psp's.

And I never broke a handheld, I'm very carefull with all my stuff (those things cost a lot and all).
The European version of the PSP will not allow any homebrew for now (2.0 version).

It just lacks TV-out, and the screen could scratch if you don't watch out, it doesn't have 2xAA (but that can be modded).
But its the games that do it, I know some nice games will be released on the PSP as for the GP2X I don't, the XGP doesn't have a game line-up either.

And also, I can get a psp now as for the GP2X I have to wait for like 2 months (wow, that beats DNF for sure). So I think I will get a psp, and wait how the GP2X will turn out.

I forgot, but the chance I run into someone with a PSP and want to do some multiplayer is far bigger then doing that with a GP32 or GP2X (if it features multiplayer at all). I never done any handheld multiplayer, I have a GameGear+linkcable and a NPC a Lynx and a GB-P all featuring multiplayer.
So I might want to do that, but I never done that anyway.
Right now if you bought a PSP, unless you get a 1.5 FW from Ebay, the only thing you'll be playing is the commercial games. If there are games you want to get then go for it.

If you want Homebrew get the 2X so you dont have to keep worrying about FW updates killing your fun. The screen miht be smaller but the price of storage media is cheaper and it'll be easier to watch videos or listen to MP3s with the smaller unit size.

I have a PSP and while I still have the 1.5 FW I find myself not doing much with it because the homebrew is not to a level to my saticefaction. It's like SNES on GP32, it works but you'll constantly be wishing it worked better.
TeDaDeS posted on Sep 4 2005 at 10:32 PM said:
How about combining both?


How do you like video on your PSP?

psp ->
very good commercial games, umd movie playback, mp3, homebrew, h264 movie playback from memory stick ( but only in an lower resolution of 320x??? )
Battery Pack stands for 3h gaming, always in Hope that an psp firmware is cracked sometimes in the future.

gp2x ->
mp3 playback, cheap memory card (sd), h263 divx playback, only 4:3 display, too small for movie playback, linux as OS, easy porting of emulators, long battery live of 6h gaming. No commercial games, no 3D, only Homebrew with 2D.

If youre a gamer ( emus, commercial ) get an psp
If youre an Homebrew coder, like Linux and SDL, get an gph machine.
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You guys don't have to worry about the auto-firmware update as a guy made a "hack" that will tell the PSP not to update even if it trys to. But right now if you have 2.0 already your kinda stuck until he finishes his downgrade to 1.5. But I'd get both eventually but i'd rather have a GP2X more than a PSP.
Video is great on PSP, the only problem is unless you get a 1gb memstick you're kinda loosing out. I have a 512mb stick and I just got a 1gb stick by pure luck for 80 dollars. The the best I can don on the 512 stick is about 100 minutes of 15fps video, granted a 15fps looks better on PSP than it did on a GP32 but the best way to do it is to get the 1gb stick. Though I'd say when I get my 2X I'll probably use it for 4:3 video and use the PSP for 16:9 video. I already have an MP3 player so I dont use the PSP for that but if I were going to, the advantage goes to the 2X since SD cards are cheaper than Memsticks.

Games on the PSP are indeed sweat to look at, I just wish there were more, this shouldnt be a problem after next week though when new games finally start coming out here. Also battery life isnt so much a problem with all the extra power options out now that have decent prices, external battery packs/rechargers can start as low as $8 and you get atleast 6 hours of gaming as long as you dont go much higher than the first 2 screen light settings and playing movies off the Stick is less power intensive than UMD movies.
the screen will not be bigger on the psp when playing emulated games as they have a native 4:3 ratio, so the screen on the gpx2 will be a good 1/2" larger whilst playing them.
x68000 posted on Sep 4 2005 at 11:18 PM said:
the screen will not be bigger on the psp when playing emulated games as they have a native 4:3 ratio, so the screen on the gpx2 will be a good 1/2" larger whilst playing them.

Several PSP emus have excellent hardware scaling, NeoGeoCD for example can go full screen and looks brilliant, as well as several scaled 4:3 modes.

No resolution is optimal for all emulation. The GPX2's 320x240 is good but not perfect. For example, if you want CPS1/2 (384x224) emulation - you either have to cut 64 rows of resolution off or scale the image DOWN. Either way, the GPX2 is incapable of displaying every detail - so you will NEVER see a CPS2 game on GPX2 without missing 20% of its graphic detail. It may still look acceptable, but you will probably notice the difference. By contrast, devices like the PSP or Zodiac have plenty enough resolution to show every detail in that case. So the PSP resolution does have its advantages.

Next, we have systems that are significantly smaller than 320x224. NES is 256x240. Without scaling it looks like a square. It's not supposed to be that shape, it should be 4:3. On GP32 scaling was too slow to do smoothly. But on GPX2 you will have the video hardware to smoothly scale it to the correct aspect ration. So you WILL need to use scaling to get every system to its proper aspect ratio. And MANY retro systems were 256x240 (or 256x224/256).

Let's suppose we get lucky and GPX2 is capable of good GBA emulation. GBA is 240x160. Which unscaled would like a weird little rectangle. You need scaling to make it look better.

The main advantage for 320x240 is some systems will fit that nicely, like most (but not all!) Genesis games, NeoGeo games and several arcade platforms. They won't need any scaling to look right and be full screen or close to it. It's with emulators for these systems that the GPX2 has its main advantage over PSP - the PSP basically has to scale EVERYTHING to have full screen. The GPX2 in some cases won't need to scale anything. But in many cases it will.

Everyone knows I'm excited for the GPX2. But people should also realize that its not perfect. No system is.
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I dont bother getting mired in the whole resolution issue but I do know that anything that fits a regular 4:3 TV screen will look pretty decent on the 2X which means most any console game. Even with a few lost lines of resolution it's more than likely you can still see the most relevent bits of information. GBA will always need a little scaling just to fill the screen, anyone with a GBAplayer and a Gamecube understands what that's like on a regular TV screen and excepts that it gets a bit blocky looking.

The newer the system the better it'll look stretched but after a certain point it starts to feel awkward.
TeDaDeS said:
a psp = 250 Euro
a gp2x will be around 200 Euro
That seems very wrong. Those are the USD prices, not Euro, unless you guys are getting ripped off badly -- and even then, I know the GPX2 wouldn't equate to the in Euros.
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i didn't like video from MS playback on my psp much, so i'm looking forward to video playback on the 2x..4:3 stuff should be good.
if you're interested in the games available, then get a psp. the homebrew side is alright, but it does leave you wanting more like alpha2 pointed out.

the 2x should be good for emus and video thanks to the pretty good resolution and ability to playback video in many diff. codecs.
Just a quick note about homebrew on the psp. There is currently a firmware downgrader being worked on by team wab and they have had private success with it so it should be released soon meaning even if u have firmware >1.5 you will be able to downgrade and play homebrew.

Also someone mentioned upgrading the firmware to play commercial games. wab have also released a tool which fools the game into thinking you have a higher firmware version than you do, so currently psp homebrew is looking pretty good.

Thats not to say GP2X isnt going to be great, ive had my gp32 for ages and i still think its fantastic.
iignotus posted on Sep 5 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
TeDaDeS said:
a psp = 250 Euro
a gp2x will be around 200 Euro
That seems very wrong. Those are the USD prices, not Euro, unless you guys are getting ripped off badly -- and even then, I know the GPX2 wouldn't equate to the in Euros.

PSP = 200£ = 284 euros
GP2X = 100£ = 142 euros...
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i would get a nds for games and a gp32/gp2x for hombrew.
Of course psp looks nice, but thats about it.
On nds you have great original games that feel like in the good old days while also haveing some 3d games.
Yuglooc posted on Sep 5 2005 at 08:23 AM said:
iignotus posted on Sep 5 2005 at 01:10 AM said:
TeDaDeS said:
a psp = 250 Euro
a gp2x will be around 200 Euro
That seems very wrong. Those are the USD prices, not Euro, unless you guys are getting ripped off badly -- and even then, I know the GPX2 wouldn't equate to the in Euros.

PSP = 200£ = 284 euros
GP2X = 100£ = 142 euros...

I hope so, usually in Europe you will get ripped off because they make dollar prices euro prices. And even if its 100 pond, I must pay extra fees and the cost for sending it to the Netherlands, as for the PSP will be in the shop without extra fees. It will be cheaper, I hope it will be around 140 Euro but 180 is more likely.
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