The Day After E

bagmouse7 posted on Sep 3 2005 at 05:17 PM said:
If you can still buy "it", "it" is not obsolete.
Lol, I just tried to get a google definition for the word "obsolete", and one of the defnitions was:

+ Your Computer.
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Alpha2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 04:22 AM said:
People just like the grit if the crackle they hear in Vinyl, "it gives the music texture!"... But then again a lot of those people tend to also be elitist audiophiles. :P

I consider myself a bit of an audiophile however IMHO anyone who thinks grit and crackle adds to music should in that case need someone to scrunch crisp packets near their ears during a live classical concert just so it sounded right.

Valve amps on the other hand are a different matter :) Mmmmm lovely.
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LHC said:
Newsreel is better than television, and colour TV sucks balls.

Vinyl is for subhuman retards that know nothing about music or how to be a condescending music fan. Why upgrade to vinyl when we have a perfectly good wireless in the attic? I mean, vinyl music is too clean. Who wants the music to sound how it is intended? Faggots, that's who.

I drive tractors because Ferraris are for shit stabbing girly men. I love the roar of an old banger.

Sure, MP3s are shitty, but if I really have to listen to one, it has to be in 28kbps. Audio quality is for pansies. Real men strain to listen to music.

It's just my opinion, there's no need to be an ass about it.
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Another thing that analog sound equipment tends to have is those huge vacuum tubes.

Transistors, found in most electronic music devices, have the volume levels be linear, which is different than how ears work.

Ears sense volume differences with that logarithic (or whatever that's spelled like) curve thingy, instead of linear.

Vacuum tubes have that log curve thingy instead of linear.

So it makes sense that the volume levels of sound output that follow that log curve thingy would sound WAY more realistic since that's the way our ears work.

Yeah, if that made sense to anyone, good job. :P

Anyway, on the topic of YOU-KNOW-WHAT-day, it'll come when it's ready.

Records are so weird, they come in two sizes and are played at different speeds. :P
back on topic, by the time fday comes, it may not be that great a day anymore as we will probably have lots of full speed linux ports on the gp2x of the same emus.
x68000 posted on Sep 4 2005 at 11:15 AM said:
back on topic, by the time fday comes, it may not be that great a day anymore as we will probably have lots of full speed linux ports on the gp2x of the same emus.

Linux emus are not likely to run very well for anything NES or above. There is too much overhead for that. Rlyeh's emus will run better than those.
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Do you know this for a fact? Linux can run in very non-powerfull environment, I don't see why software could not run aswell. Depends on the coder, I suppose...

I would be nice to see some hardware-requirements for linux emu's...

Like Hatari


I feel, there is a thread for this... :huh: