Gp32 Micro?? Don't I Wish!!


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
i wish Gamepark was cool and would release a "gameboy micro" - style model. something tiny that could easily tuck away into your pocket, with a really nice screen. even if it was current gen as oposed to the neewer model GP-whatever's being planned. I'd DEFINITELY buy that...!
Personally speaking, half of the GP32's attraction is the sizeable screen. I'll admit those GBA Mirco things do look pretty funky (esp. in the Famicom edition), but the small screen really isn't too practical for emulation. Ever tried to play a Master System game on the Gamegear? You'll know what I'm talking about.
imo, the gba micro is pretty stupid.. The screen is only about the size of a gba cart... That is wayyy too small..
Maybe if it were cheaper i might consider purchasing one... but $100 is too much...
I dislike the GB Micro and everything it stands for. Tiny screens suck. The GBA/SP/DS screens are already smaller than I like. IMO 3.5" - 4" is optimal. An N-Gage sized screen will never get my money. Add to that the limited game compatability (GBA only), the complete and utter lack of anything truly new, and the blatant overpricing of the unit, and you have something I will not be buying. Now, if they had made a more compact DS that looked nicer (current DS design is awful IMO), weighed less and maintained the 3" screens, I might be interested.

Besides, the GPX2 is a little smaller/compact than the GP32, so there you go. And unlike the lame GB Micro, it actually is NEW hardware with all sorts of capabilities. It might even be capable of decent GBA emulation. ;)
onionfrog posted on Aug 28 2005 at 08:13 PM said:
imo, the gba micro is pretty stupid.. The screen is only about the size of a gba cart... That is wayyy too small..
Maybe if it were cheaper i might consider purchasing one... but $100 is too much...

Actually the GBA Micro screen is SMALLER than a GBA cart! I'm not joking.


Luv my PSP's screen, the Micro looks so sad next to it:



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Prophet posted on Aug 28 2005 at 03:28 PM said:
onionfrog posted on Aug 28 2005 at 08:13 PM said:
imo, the gba micro is pretty stupid.. The screen is only about the size of a gba cart... That is wayyy too small..
Maybe if it were cheaper i might consider purchasing one... but $100 is too much...

Actually the GBA Micro screen is SMALLER than a GBA cart! I'm not joking.


Luv my PSP's screen, the Micro looks so sad next to it:


Wow... that comparison pretty much shows it all. If it was up to me, I would have a 6" screen for my handhelds. As long as it's portable, and still capable of being held in the hands, I'm good. I can see how a tiny pocket size could be appealing, but I like big screens.



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I love the Gba micro, it's a TRUE handheld, You will never play with the psp outside (or at your own risk if you live in a big city -_-) and 300€ for playing Ridge racer, wipe_out or medievil on a "tiny" screen, if u love thoses crap games, better play Ps2 on a REAL laaaaaarge LCD screen :P
I beg to differ, friends and I regularly hang out with our PSPs, Playing games, watching movies and reading comics on them then toss them in our pockets when it's time to go. I often see people on the subway playing PSP games as natrually as the would a GBAsp. The convience in portability with the GBAmicro is is a direct hinderance to what it should be concentrating on; playability. You might enjoy an occasional action game on it for 15 minutes before your eyes start to hurt from staring so closely at it, but dont expect to play anything that requires reading text with any measure of enjoyment for a long period of time.

Smaller is great for Cellphones but not neccesarily for handheld gaming.
IMO the GBA SP is worth it more than the GB Micro or the NDS. It's the most portable, usable gaming device authored by Nintendo.

As for taking the PSP outside, I think you're exposing yourself to the same risk that iPod users who stroll their player in the streets are. But then again, things shouldn't be like this, no one should be living under any kind of fear, no matter how small.
It's meant to be used out side of the house, so as long as you use common sense when you're using it you dont have to worry, use the arm strap and it's less of a target for snatchers, Understand that you ARE walking around with a 250 dollar chunk of electronics and you'll be able to keep it... The people who get their iPods ripped off are oblivious to the world around them.
Good thing GPX2 looks pretty retro.

It will most definitely shun away those thugs! :D

And still pretty good looking GPX2 is.
wow, i didnt realize HOW small the micro is.
through it would still be a nice gadget, if it would be placed in the 50$ price range.
I haven't touched my GBA since I got my N-Gage, haha. I even have a flash cart, so it's not like I'm not playing it cuz I can't afford games. ;) Maybe I should just sell it..