Game Park Holdings To Change Name

Colibri (spelled with a K) was also a Sega 32X game.

And yes I do Agree they should have renamed their company first because all they're going to get is half the dictionary. Also didn't they say the name had to be 3 words or more because lik 600 of the posts are single word names.
Eso Rimmer posted on Aug 9 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
HSH - Holly Shit Handheld :)

can't help myself but Nomad is damn good name for handheld.

LOL, holy shit handheld, that's a good one... Yes, indeed... Nomad really is a great name for a handheld. Unfortunately it's been taken, so the best we can do is use synonyms.
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davey g posted on Aug 10 2005 at 12:03 AM said:
If you think about it, it would have been a good idea to rename the company, THEN have the competition to name the handheld. In fact, you shouldn't really have to think about it.

Well maybe they will change the companys name to something according to the name of the new handheld :P
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