Possible Ports For The Gpx2


Active Member
May 26, 2003
I noticed a post, and correctly it states that we see the same ports on the X-Box, Dreamcast as the GP32 etc.

I'm not sure if I should ignore games not using SDL, or Games of Different Screen Sizes.
And emulators because that has been done to death.

With more of everything on the GPX2, are there any new commercial open-source games. or Engine remakes using original data (not remakes) never done for the GP32 or are only possible now new hardware is available, with links.

The Ur-Quan Masters http://sc2.sourceforge.net/
Fish-fillets http://fillets.sf.net
Cylindrix http://www.hardgeus.com/cylindrix/
Warcraft http://wargus.sourceforge.net/
Heart of The Alien http://hota.sourceforge.net/http://hota.sourceforge.net/
REminiscence http://membres.lycos.fr/cyxdown/reminiscence/
Ultima IV http://xu4.sourceforge.net/
Ultima 7 http://exult.sourceforge.net/
Decent 1&2 http://icculus.org/d2x/
well, there's tonnes of different stuff on icculus.org alone...
tonnes on sourceforge.net too
but what would really make my day is if there was a port of shogo :D gotta admit that slicing people into smaller and smaller chunks has it's fun....
(the unfortunate part is that shogo has alot of x86 asm in it)
I think the best thing to do Is wait for it to be released first before making a list :)
Steve-O posted on Aug 4 2005 at 04:22 PM said:
I think the best thing to do Is wait for it to be released first before making a list :)

Don't think its really necessary in this case. Its not like emulation, which requires intimate knowledge of the hardware. The specification is fairly solid. Anything which will run on 200Mhz, in 64 megs of memory, that can use a joystick interface, without the need for 3D or x86 Assembler, and has source available, its already taken that anything that worked well on the GP32 will run on the GPx2, and maybe better.

Its important for me, because a handheld in question will not be blessed with thousands of games from quality commercial devolopers, and I'm interested what commercial games I will get even if its only through the Porting from other platforms. If it is going to be Doom/ScummVm etc I already have them on my GP32 so why upgrade? :)
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exult should be really easy to port.. there is an zaurus port which has the same display size + also arm cpu and 200Mhz and 64Mb Ram + Linux, only missing thing would be touchscreen.
At iccarus.org their did not seem to be a lot of anything *new*, The only real thing that exited me Generally was the Aliens vs Preditor which someone has given up on. I know shadow warrior sources are available, but I'm having trouble finding working versions of the code. Duke Numem seems fairly safe to add. The only thing I saw on sourceforge apart from Alone in the Dark(which I'm not sure works), is Deadly rooms of Death, unless I've missed something which I almost certainly have.

Duke Nukem http://www.icculus.org/duke3d/
Drod http://www.drod.net/
As posted earlier already:


Buch of stuff on that page (not everything open-source though).

Freespace2 would really be a dream, but not very likely (while not impossible at first glance)

Edit: ok forget that Freespace2 idea, unless someone writes a software renderer for it :(
Julius posted on Aug 4 2005 at 07:11 PM said:
As posted earlier already:


Buch of stuff on that page (not everything open-source though).

Freespace2 would really be a dream, but not very likely (while not impossible at first glance)

Edit: ok forget that Freespace2 idea, unless someone writes a software renderer for it :(

Having been through every game on Liberated games most either "binary+data" or Serious 3D

Maelstrom http://www.devolution.com/~slouken/Maelstrom/binary.html
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We already have a port of Another World. Why couldn't Heart of the Alien be done on the GP32? As I understand it there wasn't much of a differance between them.
Alpha2 posted on Aug 4 2005 at 08:18 PM said:
We already have a port of Another World. Why couldn't Heart of the Alien be done on the GP32? As I understand it there wasn't much of a differance between them.

I didn't say it wasn't possible :). I was just pointing out there wasn't one. If GPX2 is available I hope its on that instead as its >50MB I'd rather It was on the GPx2 as I'd not notice it as much on 1Gb Card, also if I remember both games were included with Heart of the Alien. <_<
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Alpha2 posted on Aug 4 2005 at 10:18 PM said:
We already have a port of Another World. Why couldn't Heart of the Alien be done on the GP32? As I understand it there wasn't much of a differance between them.
I'm already doing it :D ! My problem is that i'm noobish with c and i've got many problem with arm alignment... Btw if you wanna see what i've done so far you can download an smc for geepee32 here. If you want to contribute you can download the patch here

Ps The site doesn't have many bandwitch so be carefull or i will be banned...
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While talking about ports...
The new GPX2 won't be compatible with GP32 software, but in my opinion this isn't a big problem.
Most of the GP32 software is open-source.
And all you need are some compatibility libraries, with common GP32 function (like GpFileOpen, GpGraphicModeSet, etc).
Recompiling all software shouldn't take so long: in few days you should be able to use the same software currently available.


LDChen posted on Aug 5 2005 at 10:02 AM said:
While talking about ports...
The new GPX2 won't be compatible with GP32 software, but in my opinion this isn't a big problem.
Most of the GP32 software is open-source.
And all you need are some compatibility libraries, with common GP32 function (like GpFileOpen, GpGraphicModeSet, etc).
Recompiling all software shouldn't take so long: in few days you should be able to use the same software currently available.



Personally with the new more portable SDL being used. I hope that this is not being done. Although signs point to someone at GPH doing this :angry: . I would rather that a yacc/lex approach was taken with the old sofware, that way everything is moving forward. This approach makes more sence IMO if everyone has the sources.
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are you planning to get one of these...
you ported you PSX emu to the gp32, but you never had one :)
Any plans on releasing it?
LDChen posted on Aug 5 2005 at 10:02 AM said:
While talking about ports...
The new GPX2 won't be compatible with GP32 software, but in my opinion this isn't a big problem.
Most of the GP32 software is open-source.
And all you need are some compatibility libraries, with common GP32 function (like GpFileOpen, GpGraphicModeSet, etc).
Recompiling all software shouldn't take so long: in few days you should be able to use the same software currently available.



That is great for stuff where the source is freely available. There are alot of things that don't have any source (GPengine for example) so for those it will be a much longer wait. Maybe someone could do a GP32 emu for the GPx2. It wouldn't be an emulator as much as a re-mapper. It could use the other core maybe to re-map some of the SMC read/write routines to SD or something.
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That is great for stuff where the source is freely available. There are alot of things that don't have any source (GPengine for example) so for those it will be a much longer wait. Maybe someone could do a GP32 emu for the GPx2. It wouldn't be an emulator as much as a re-mapper. It could use the other core maybe to re-map some of the SMC read/write routines to SD or something.

LOL wouldn't it just be more sensible to ask the author to release the source under GPL or similar open-source licence. Considering the GP32 is a dieing handheld. Otherwise I personally will be waiting till someone ports HUGO. I admit it is a shame as it was a particularly good emulator. Although very little has changed in a long time, perhaps due to it being closed source.
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You know I keep wondering though, aren't there Decompiler programs out there? I know I can remember hearing about them and I mean I can understand if they're probably frowned on due to the possibility of pirating (hasn't stopped a ton of other programs!) or prehaps the code you end up with isn't perfect, but it'd be a godd starting point for reprograming rather than starting from scratch.
Alpha2 posted on Aug 10 2005 at 07:20 AM said:
You know I keep wondering though, aren't there Decompiler programs out there? I know I can remember hearing about them and I mean I can understand if they're probably frowned on due to the possibility of pirating (hasn't stopped a ton of other programs!) or prehaps the code you end up with isn't perfect, but it'd be a godd starting point for reprograming rather than starting from scratch.

Maybe I should be stronger, I hope programs that are not open-source die, esp in this instance. There will probably be a gpnextgen2, which has the possibility of being linux/SDL only a more powerful machine overall, would it make sence to go through this all again.

For example I would like scummvm 7.0 on the GPx2. Its not got one developer but over 30, and improves daily. Other than the frontend, there is very little needed change. There are new games in 7.0 Gobliiins. Kyranda 1-3, IHE. All this has been made possible by open-source. This project would be unlikely to have been done, by a developer for the GP32.

That said, dedicated, optomised emulators may run faster, that take advantage of machine specific features, but even these would benefit from common source.

I do hope those who own a GPnextgen start to feel like they belong to a community within a community. I've been peronally surprised that I haven't seen many posts in sites like Linuxemu or happypenguin.

Oddly I'm making this post in a section that requires the source available, or the games simply would not be there.
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