World Tour Soccer For Psp?


Jul 12, 2004
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has any1 played World Tour Soccer for the psp?

is it anygood?

what are the loading times like?

controls like?

can you make transfers in the season mode?

Are celtic on it :-) ?


It's better than Fifa.

Menu is slick.

Loading times are very quick (but then I aint played it from UMD).

Controls are excellent. Near ennough exactly the same as PES. L2 and R2 functions in TIF are remapped to hold 'L' and press one of the face buttons. Works perfect.

It's arcadey - but not as much as everybody says (it's more realistic than Fifa). You dont feel like you're kicking the ball properly, no "umph". But still a enjoyable game of football can be played.

Player likenesses can be good to crap - Adriano is a small white man.

I think Celtic are on it. Everyone else is. Though I dont think Artmedia Bratislava are? ho ho ho 5-0. You have to unlock everything.

Excellent 'challenge' mode in which you score points based on your play.

No edit mode. Dont know about in season mode. I doubt it though.

My opinion:

Although it's the best football game on the PSP at the moment, Winning Eleven is out in a month - so DONT BUY.
lol i'll give you that one, will be the other way round tonight tho :-)

Is the PES that comes out in september not the Jap one? i'd prefer to wait for the U.K release so that the teams are the normal ones and not the J-League or the MLS for the U.S version.

Come on the hoops :-D

6-0 :-)

Winning Eleven teams are the normal teams.

Exactly the same as PES.

Winning Eleven: J-League Edition is with the J-League teams.

...and Winning Eleven International is the same as Winning Eleven and PES

I'll be getting the Jap one, I always do, I've had them all since number 4. It's funny when I navigate the menus with ease, makes it look like I'm fluent in Japanese.
i tried it with the online jap version but couldnt get the hang of it so i just downloaded all the patch's and graphics so it was like having a new version of PES4.

think i'm gonna have to order that world tour soccer cuz i'm starting to get the shakes from not playing any football games lol

just ordered world tour soccer & nba street showdown from VG+ so should be here friday :-D cant wait!!!

oh yeah, something on about the new GTA thats on the psp. too much text there for me and couldnt be assed reading it all but its basically what the story line is and is going on about how its going to control and stuff.

end of september release i think

I have no doubt you'll enjoy it for the couple of months you'll play it.

The challenge mode is the best thing in it. I did enjoy that a lot.
feeling sick this morning (1 goal just 1goal :-( ).

yeah should be done with it just in time for PES release in uk hopefully.
Oh well, back to the grind of getting slaughtered by the Prods. :unsure:
@ Kop, where will you be ordering your Winning Eleven from? PlayAsia won't send any psp stuff to europe, and I'n pretty sure lik-sang will be the same (sucks). Video Games plus don't list it either.

So I'll have to try a new importer, any ideas? I really want this game. All I've used my psp for over summer is snes games, and films. I *have a friend who* bought 62 pre converted movies for the psp off ebay, some VERY new. I just love watching them on the psp screen. But it would be nice to have a new game or two...
its out in europe before the u.s thats why VG+ arnt listing it, its only out in the u.s in 2006 so we finally get something before the yanks :-D. november its out here with the ps2 version out on 28th October. i'll just be going to wherevers closer to pick it up. dont think i could wait for it to be delivered lol
Yeah, but it's out in Japan before Europe as usual.

Yes Asia was the place for me but they said they can't do it because I'm in the UK. So that's out.

Looks like it's one of those Hong Kong people from ebay.

VG+ will probably have it a bit after as well (they do sell Jap imports).

I hope I can rip it (to avoid update) or skip the upgrade somehow (assuming it will be in the first batch of 2.0 games)....but if I can't, I'd gladly give it all up for Winning Eleven.

If it uses the same file structure as all the other WE/PES games on PC/PS2/XBOX, ripping to the MS will be great for patches.
gary.mckeown posted on Aug 4 2005 at 08:48 AM said:
lol yeah in there dreams. 3-1 to the bhoys on the 20th :-D

I'll take a stint at Heart$.
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WOW, I'm really sorry, I'm feeding you false information, I just got an e-mail from YesAsia saying they will ship WE PSP to the UK.

With this firmware trick now out, I'm ordering right away.

:D :D :D
i'm currently d/l winning eleven 9 (ps2 version) so i'm gonna try that and if i can understand the options and stuff then i might order it :-D
The options are always in English anyway.

It's the player names that are the problem...until you change them in the editor. (yourself or downloaded option file from the PS2 or PSP version).

The killer is the pace, passing etc. They can only be changed in a patch, so I hope it uses the same file types (which it will) as the console versions...and then we can run it from MS all patched up with goodness.
apparently you can link data between the two (ps2-psp) so i'm guessing the stats will be the same + the other thing thats tempting me to order it sooner is that its got shunsuki on the cover :-), i'm guessing tho that if i order it from anywhere apart from VG+(that wont have it yet) i'll be bending over a barrel for the tax man?
Been away a bit, so sorry if this is common knowledge, but what do they mean about network play? Is it online?

I will be ordering it anyway. But should I buy a new psp, and carry on playing Chrono trigger on my 1.5, or just surrender? The new trick seems too complicated for me :blink:
gary.mckeown posted on Aug 26 2005 at 10:45 AM said:
apparently you can link data between the two (ps2-psp) so i'm guessing the stats will be the same + the other thing thats tempting me to order it sooner is that its got shunsuki on the cover :-), i'm guessing tho that if i order it from anywhere apart from VG+(that wont have it yet) i'll be bending over a barrel for the tax man?

No tax at YesAsia.

VG+ might have it soon.

No online play, Lubi.

Dont upgrade Lubi, the new trick is easy.
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