Flamebird2 Wont Run On Win98


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Ok, I just got Flamebird2 and it said a gdiplus.dll was missing so I downloaded that and put it in C:\Windows\system.... now when I start Flamebird2, the like loading pic in the centre of the screen comes up and loads everything but it just all goes after that (Flamebird doesnt open)

anyone know whats wrong ?
Be helpful. Fenix is used for creating GP32 games so it does pertain to us, Tattooman (Nominee for this years Troll awards).
Blah posted on Jul 2 2005 at 09:40 PM said:
(Nominee for this years Troll awards).


edit: sorry steve-o, but i had to throw my vote there on your thread
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me thinks Tattoo should sit back and find out who usually knows their stuff around here before he jumps on grenades that don't exist... Steve here is what we would call a "Near Guru" which means, unless he posted a complete guide to how to get roms and rip mp3 music, it'd probably be a good idea to sit back and let a mod handle apparent probs with his posts, cause with Steve chances are... he knows what he's doing on this board.
tattooman posted on Jul 3 2005 at 02:28 AM said:
This is a forum for the GP32 handheld, we have no idea what you are taking about....
OMG you are a twat! He is specific 'flamebird 2' is the program i use to make fenix games! OMG

sorry i dont know why it isnt working.
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tattooman posted on Jul 3 2005 at 02:28 AM said:
This is a forum for the GP32 handheld, we have no idea what you are taking about....
OMG OMG! --> this is the fenix zone

@Steve-O, why are you still using 98 lol
Maybe the dll is not the right version, or not in the correct place?
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i did use flameingbird on w98 before, didnt had any problems, check if youre maybe missing some other dll or wrong version or something.
The thing is, it Runs Perfectly on my WinXP machine (I just dragged it straight from my Win98 Laptop onto the XP system)

My laptop is still on win98 as Its only a 350mhz, 192mb Ram, 5gb hard drive setup. WinXP would just kill it :P hehe

I used TightVNC from the Win98 Laptop to run Fenix from the downstairs XP system. I get the "Hello World!" to work :D...

If someone walked into the computer room to use my PC they would have been like "WTF??" as all they would have say was the mouse moving and code being typed onto the screen etc by me from upstairs :P... TightVNC is
Excellent if you want to make someone think they are being hacked, I did it at school LOL, anyway, back to fenix :D

aapje89 might be right, I might have got the dll for a winXP machine or something instead of 98. I will look around for another :)

OR, Does Flamebird Require any Microsoft Software to run?? Like some software says "You Require such and such to run this" and you need to goto the microsoft site to download it... .NET Framewaork, thats what its called isnt it???? Im sure thats what I will need :D Will try that :)

and Tattooman, It is GP32 related

Thanks all (Except Tattooman JOKE ;), Im guessing you clicked my thread link from the front page of the site and thats why you didnt know what it was :P :) ) :D
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2005 at 10:59 AM said:
I used TightVNC from the Win98 Laptop to run Fenix from the downstairs XP system. I get the "Hello World!" to work :D...
hey this is just what I need, lol I was about to go search for something like that :)

The thing is I want to compile on my home pc from school, I geuss that is possible?

Edit: w00t it works perfect :D only playing css dooesnt work :(.
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yea, you cant play games or watch videos with it I dont think :( A funny thing is Starting Music playing dowstairs from upstairs (if thats easy to understand :) ) :D :)
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
yea, you cant play games or watch videos with it I dont think :( A funny thing is Starting Music playing dowstairs from upstairs (if thats easy to understand :) ) :D :)
yeah lol I already did :D.
Is it possible to get more fps, that the screen is more often updated?
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Are you using the Fast Compression viewer?? that has the fastest refresh rate I think.. Maybe fiddle with some settings (Their might be a setting to adjust the speed? dont know :( )

Also Make sure you have a Firewall and only allow it to knowen IP's... You dont want people you dont know takening control of your PC and deleting things etc :P
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2005 at 01:07 PM said:
Are you using the Fast Compression viewer?? that has the fastest refresh rate I think.. Maybe fiddle with some settings (Their might be a setting to adjust the speed? dont know :( )

Also Make sure you have a Firewall and only allow it to knowen IP's... You dont want people you dont know takening control of your PC and deleting things etc :P
I was using the lowest (fastes) compression but still very slow :(, is there other software that can do this better maybe?

And yeah lol of course I have a firewall :).

Edit: I found another version of vnc: ultravnc, its really alot better, it has built-in file transfer and chat :).
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Might try that one :)

Damn, .Net Framework wasnt the problem :( and that GDIPLUS.DLL wasnt the problem :(
just read the FB site and it says "Only tested on WinXP, May not work on other OS's" :( looks like it doesnt work on win98 :(
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2005 at 07:09 PM said:
just read the FB site and it says "Only tested on WinXP, May not work on other OS's" :( looks like it doesnt work on win98 :(
damn :(, why could it be that it doesn't work on 98?
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