Psp Umd Run V1


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Dec 24, 2003
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PSP UMD RUN v1.0 released! Posted By: PS2NFO.COM On Today 05:41 AM
Today THANKS to a find by Vampire we now have UMD RUN v1.0 for the PSP! To use UMD RUN v1.0 with your PSP v1.50 firmware, simply install it using KXploit v1.50 and then (with a PSP UMD Game Disc inserted) press X at the PSP Menu screen to run it loading the Game's BOOT.BIN via UMD on your PSP console.

Before people ask, this current version will NOT run UMD image dumps from a Memory Stick, however, RUMOR has it to load executables from MS on a PSP v1.50 you'll need to set the kernel mode flag in module info and run sceKernelLoadExec from a thread with flags 0x0000 (0x8000 doesn't work) so only time will tell what the future holds. Cool discovery though!

This is what sony need to worry about not emulators and homebrew
Yup, as soon as they found out how to run umd dumps from a ms (=warez), the 1.50 and 1.00 PSPs will be worth a fortune. Also, didn't they find a way to run games demanding fw1.51+ on 1.50 too? That could really hit Sony where it hurts...
This "UMD RUN" is a supposed method of bypassing the firmware revision checks. However I have not yet seen/readbout anyone with a 1.0/1.5 who has sucessfully booted anything requiring > 1.51
UPDATE: (sorry for the double post but want to be sure you guys see this)

It has been CONFIRMED that the Japanese version of Coded Arms does NOT force update to 1.51-1.52, only to v 1.5 of the firmware. Several people have confirmed that they have bought the Japanese Coded Arms and allowed it to update and it went to 1.50, and they are still able to run homebrew with the new hacks.

Of course, still no word on US or UK versions, but this is a good sign, and since the Japanese and US versions are not releasing that far apart, and since there seems to be a BIG delay between when sony releases these FW updates before you start seeing them in games, I'm gonna bet money that the US Coded Arms may only update to 1.5. Well technically it wouldn't even have an update at all since all US systems are 1.5 already :)

So... POSSIBLE good news. If worse comes to worse I may just buy a Japanese one for myself, price should come down a bit after the US one releases.

Also, some people at psp2dev seem to have already found a possibly exploitable bug in v's 1.51 and 1.52 that is very close along the lines of what they are using to run homebrew on 1.5. So hacks for the newer versions may not be far off.

EDIT: here's some more info from one person on psp hacks forums:
Sounds like people who wanted Coded Arms won't be screwed after all.
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Sounds like Sony are pretty much screwed whatever they do :)

Well, until units start coming out pre-flashed to 1.51 or higher, that is, which can't be long now. But no doub't they find a hack for it soon enough, and since we know 1.5 and 1.51 are compatible, maybe a simple flash downgrade will do the magic once a hack is found.
The new PSP modchip?


Shaken not stirred.
Someone should test the ability to bypass the firmware upgrading (bast hint hint), 1.0 and 1.5 would be worth a fortune if it works.
i alsmost feel bad for sony...
this is their first venture into the handheld seen and look how badly they are already being hit with homebrew emu's and in the probable near future, warez ;)
yeup, umd rips released too!
too bad there aren't many games to pirate haha!
damn pirates
To be honest, this is not any different to when they first entered the console scene with there psx.

Sony brought out numerous versions of the PSX, redesigned the pcb several times, and even tried combining several chips into one to combat piracy. Modchips were available for every version approximately a month after each change. The same happened with the ps2.

Regardless of how long (or how much money) you spend on your security, someone will always find a way around it, given enough time and resources.

Nothing will change :)

There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in.
~Leonard Cohen
Coded Arms Japanese version does NOT require update to FW 1.51. It requires update to 1.5 only, and lots of people with early copies (reviewers and such) and Konami themselves have stated that the US version of the game will not require an update at all (since they are already 1.5).

This hack needs to be tested by someone with a v 1.0 FW PSP trying to run Coded Arms.

It SHOULD allow you to play the game w/o asking or forcing you to update the FW.

When Coded Arms comes out here, if no one has confirmed by then, I'll try to run it on my jap v 1.0 psp with this hack.
Don't forget that the 1.5 firmware does have many more functions available to the developer than the 1.0 firmware, so the hack may not work on the 1.0 firmware simply because it will not replace the functions missing in the 1.0 firmware.
Don't forget that the 1.5 firmware does have many more functions available to the developer than the 1.0 firmware, so the hack may not work on the 1.0 firmware simply because it will not replace the functions missing in the 1.0 firmware.

Eventually do you think these could be replicated in the UMDRun?
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It may be possible (I've not checked), but wouldn't it be far easier to just upgrade to 1.50 and use the newer hacks?