EDIT: Updated 3x since original posting
The original reviews appear at FameSoft (screenshots of the games appear on the original website). I put a (?) sign whenever I wasn't sure of the exact meaning
Here is a translation:
Tyrannosphere by Goity
graphics 3
sound 3
controls 4
fun 3
realization 3
whole score 3.2
Goity missed the mark on this one. Perhaps the most raw project. And originally unworking in its first appearance on GBAX. To get it to play you need to rename the tyrannosphere.fxe into tyra.fxe. And then you need to copy the file tyra.dcb into the tyra directory from
WinterSports Eins by Rockin'-B
graphics 4
sound 3
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4
whole score 3.8
A remake of the old "Yeti", which plays (?) penguins. The sound crackles slightly.
In the archive there are 2 versions: A and C. The first is preffered but eats up batteries, the 2nd is less pretty but will last longer. I couldn't get the dispersed versions (sources?) to work.
GPShoot by Mirko Weber
graphics 3
sound 0
controls 4
fun 4
realization 3
whole score 2.8
This is one level of Mirko Weber's upcoming game. The graphics, let us just say, aren't super. But on the whole bearable. There are even some places where they're not bad at all.
But the animation's not smooth. Plus, the whole gameplay consists of crouching on one knee and shooting at poor policemen from this position. They can't even do anything to you.
Only sometimes they'll throw a grenade, but even this they can't do very well.
Another World by Philippe Simons
graphics 5
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
whole score 5
It's hard to grade remakes. On one side, they're not original games. On the other - there have been so many cases where a port has been horrible. Here, it's not like that at all. Excellent work on resurrecting the game. And though it can be emulated on the GP32 (DrMD-Genesis version), here it looks much better. The only bad thing is the gamma (brightness) of the display. The poisonous slugs from the 1st part are hard to make out on a non-lit GP.
VNS File: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain by Paul Stapleton
graphics 4 (+1 for the scale of the work)
sound 2
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4
whole score 4.2
An excellent game made in VNS. Paul has transferred to the GP32 the first book of the series "Fighting Fantasy" (there are 60 in all). And though the graphics, in all honesty, are cartoony, you can't say they're not stylish. And come to think of it, I even saw some quite serious books with similar illustrations.
VNS File: The Scumm Quiz by Wildcat
graphics 4 (but all unoriginal)
sound 0
controls 4
fun 2
realization 4
whole score 2.8
A quiz about Lucasart games.
Twins by BUHOnero
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4 (the font used is unfortunate. It's very hard to read)
whole score 4.2
This is a memory game. Open 2 cards one after the other - and they'll dissappear. And so you can "open" all of them. There are 9 themes (7 at the beginning and 2 extras) and 9 different table sizes. 81 combinations in total. And for each of them, the game remembers a high score.
The Minigame Project by Quiest
graphics 4
sound 4
controls 4
fun 4
realization 4
whole score 4
A collection of 4 Fenix mini-games. All games are nice and simple. All keep a high score. So there's some motivation; to beat it. To go back into the menu from a game, close the game & press "select + start".
Rotor by Stone Software (Alessio Perardi)
graphics 5 (excellent dynamic)
sound 3 (only music)
controls 4 (for the turns of the trek & the inability to normally turn the ship itself)
fun 4 (it's necessary to restart to play again)
our score 4.2
Fenix. But the coder tried hard. Very impressive.
The game - a scrolling shooter. But it's hard to say whether vertical or horizontal.
BangGP by Chemaris
graphics 5
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4 (sometimes the game hangs at the level selection screen)
our score 4.8
Another Fenix game that hits the mark spot-on.
A little (?). And a shotting gallery. The shooting gallery isn't simple. Here, there are several variants. There is the "Saloon", in which you have to shoot bandits that appear at the windows. There is a level where you have to shoot bubbles that float up ladies.
They break apart into smaller ones, which you also have to shoot... there is a "Moohrun" type level. There is the (hardest, for me) level with the Native Americans. There are others too.
Spotz by Jez Arthur
graphics 4
sound 2 (there are sound effects but no music)
controls 4 (the start menu and game interface are not very intuitive)
fun 5
realization 4 (no music)
our score 3.8
The game is a copy of Sudoku, but instead of numbers you are expected to fill the board with circles of 9 different colours. The circles are animated, everything looks nice enough, but the game is obviously not for the colour-blind
. And then there's the absence of music...
Space Dodger by Pineapple Soft
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
our score 4.8
Here's a real shooter. And what a great one... and again written in Fenix... though truly, it doesn't matter what language you use, as long as you put your soul into it.
What can we say about the actual game?
First off, the game is not from the Macross/Robotech series; it simply uses the mech design from the anime. It's also where the author got the music from.
Qwarage: Abstract Shooter by Djis
Everything is great, but it's not a finished game yet.
1) The ship is too big to miss all of the incoming rockets
2) Even when you run out of lives, you keep on shooting (but the points stop accumulating)... and it goes on forever like this. As if it was overlooked.
3) It's not possible to beat the boss.
4) There are no sound effects, only music.
It's not a game, not even a demo yet.
Ghostpix by Marc Robledo
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
our score 4.8
Marc is a tiny ghost who really wants to become a big ghost. But to grow up, he needs to learn concentration. Help him earn his power, by playing...
There are 497 problems in the game. About 60% of these are by by the author himself and the betatesters of the game. The rest are taken from Mario's Picross 2 for the classic Gameboy.
Hugo32 by Avseth
graphics 4
sound 4
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4
our score 4
Hugo was a small pig until the day when he became a large pig. Here he was helped by a magical cape. The cape gave him the ability to fly, to catch variously-filled flying cans in the air and to throw fireballs at enemies who fly by. And then Hugo vowed the he'd destroy King Napas who, you see, wants to take over the whole world.
Happy Giant (Arcade) by Team Giant (Gim, HyeongIl)
graphics 3
sound 0
controls 4
fun 3
realization 4
our score 2.8
In a faraway galaxy... there lived a giant. He was very, very alone and sat sadly on a big, big tree. Just like this {- _ -}
And then one day a small, small ball landed on this big, big tree. Since the ball flew, it's not surprising that it had a pilot. Now I don't know what happened between them, but the giant became very, very happy. Exactly so: {^o^}…
GPSudoku (Logic) by Muffinman
graphics 5 (for style)
sound 0
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4 (a mark is taken off for the absence of music)
our score 3.8
'Sudoku' is one of the most popular puzzle games today in Great Britain. The idea is simple. There is a grid of 9x9 boxes and numbers 1-9, which have to be fitted into each box so than every row, column and small 3x3 box have all the numbers from 1 to 9.
The Bocket Docket by Jez Arthur
graphics 3
sound 5
controls 4
fun 3
realization 4
our score 3.8
Actually, this is really 2 games. In both of them you're invited to torture the poor peasant, and you won't even have to get out grandfather's bedbugs to do this. Everything is done by the simple pressing of buttons:
A – Bash him
B – Twist him
R – Stretch him
The website also says that emulators are not reviewed because this takes a lot of time to accurately do. It does say that fGB32 is rather faster than the old version.
The original reviews appear at FameSoft (screenshots of the games appear on the original website). I put a (?) sign whenever I wasn't sure of the exact meaning
Here is a translation:
Tyrannosphere by Goity
graphics 3
sound 3
controls 4
fun 3
realization 3
whole score 3.2
Goity missed the mark on this one. Perhaps the most raw project. And originally unworking in its first appearance on GBAX. To get it to play you need to rename the tyrannosphere.fxe into tyra.fxe. And then you need to copy the file tyra.dcb into the tyra directory from
WinterSports Eins by Rockin'-B
graphics 4
sound 3
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4
whole score 3.8
A remake of the old "Yeti", which plays (?) penguins. The sound crackles slightly.
GPShoot by Mirko Weber
graphics 3
sound 0
controls 4
fun 4
realization 3
whole score 2.8
This is one level of Mirko Weber's upcoming game. The graphics, let us just say, aren't super. But on the whole bearable. There are even some places where they're not bad at all.
But the animation's not smooth. Plus, the whole gameplay consists of crouching on one knee and shooting at poor policemen from this position. They can't even do anything to you.
Another World by Philippe Simons
graphics 5
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
whole score 5
It's hard to grade remakes. On one side, they're not original games. On the other - there have been so many cases where a port has been horrible. Here, it's not like that at all. Excellent work on resurrecting the game. And though it can be emulated on the GP32 (DrMD-Genesis version), here it looks much better. The only bad thing is the gamma (brightness) of the display. The poisonous slugs from the 1st part are hard to make out on a non-lit GP.
VNS File: Warlock Of Firetop Mountain by Paul Stapleton
graphics 4 (+1 for the scale of the work)
sound 2
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4
whole score 4.2
An excellent game made in VNS. Paul has transferred to the GP32 the first book of the series "Fighting Fantasy" (there are 60 in all). And though the graphics, in all honesty, are cartoony, you can't say they're not stylish. And come to think of it, I even saw some quite serious books with similar illustrations.
VNS File: The Scumm Quiz by Wildcat
graphics 4 (but all unoriginal)
sound 0
controls 4
fun 2
realization 4
whole score 2.8
A quiz about Lucasart games.
Twins by BUHOnero
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4 (the font used is unfortunate. It's very hard to read)
whole score 4.2
This is a memory game. Open 2 cards one after the other - and they'll dissappear. And so you can "open" all of them. There are 9 themes (7 at the beginning and 2 extras) and 9 different table sizes. 81 combinations in total. And for each of them, the game remembers a high score.
The Minigame Project by Quiest
graphics 4
sound 4
controls 4
fun 4
realization 4
whole score 4
A collection of 4 Fenix mini-games. All games are nice and simple. All keep a high score. So there's some motivation; to beat it. To go back into the menu from a game, close the game & press "select + start".
Rotor by Stone Software (Alessio Perardi)
graphics 5 (excellent dynamic)
sound 3 (only music)
controls 4 (for the turns of the trek & the inability to normally turn the ship itself)
fun 4 (it's necessary to restart to play again)
our score 4.2
Fenix. But the coder tried hard. Very impressive.
The game - a scrolling shooter. But it's hard to say whether vertical or horizontal.
BangGP by Chemaris
graphics 5
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4 (sometimes the game hangs at the level selection screen)
our score 4.8
Another Fenix game that hits the mark spot-on.
A little (?). And a shotting gallery. The shooting gallery isn't simple. Here, there are several variants. There is the "Saloon", in which you have to shoot bandits that appear at the windows. There is a level where you have to shoot bubbles that float up ladies.
Spotz by Jez Arthur
graphics 4
sound 2 (there are sound effects but no music)
controls 4 (the start menu and game interface are not very intuitive)
fun 5
realization 4 (no music)
our score 3.8
The game is a copy of Sudoku, but instead of numbers you are expected to fill the board with circles of 9 different colours. The circles are animated, everything looks nice enough, but the game is obviously not for the colour-blind
Space Dodger by Pineapple Soft
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
our score 4.8
Here's a real shooter. And what a great one... and again written in Fenix... though truly, it doesn't matter what language you use, as long as you put your soul into it.
What can we say about the actual game?
First off, the game is not from the Macross/Robotech series; it simply uses the mech design from the anime. It's also where the author got the music from.
Qwarage: Abstract Shooter by Djis
Everything is great, but it's not a finished game yet.
1) The ship is too big to miss all of the incoming rockets
2) Even when you run out of lives, you keep on shooting (but the points stop accumulating)... and it goes on forever like this. As if it was overlooked.
3) It's not possible to beat the boss.
4) There are no sound effects, only music.
It's not a game, not even a demo yet.
Ghostpix by Marc Robledo
graphics 4
sound 5
controls 5
fun 5
realization 5
our score 4.8
Marc is a tiny ghost who really wants to become a big ghost. But to grow up, he needs to learn concentration. Help him earn his power, by playing...
There are 497 problems in the game. About 60% of these are by by the author himself and the betatesters of the game. The rest are taken from Mario's Picross 2 for the classic Gameboy.
Hugo32 by Avseth
graphics 4
sound 4
controls 5
fun 3
realization 4
our score 4
Hugo was a small pig until the day when he became a large pig. Here he was helped by a magical cape. The cape gave him the ability to fly, to catch variously-filled flying cans in the air and to throw fireballs at enemies who fly by. And then Hugo vowed the he'd destroy King Napas who, you see, wants to take over the whole world.
Happy Giant (Arcade) by Team Giant (Gim, HyeongIl)
graphics 3
sound 0
controls 4
fun 3
realization 4
our score 2.8
In a faraway galaxy... there lived a giant. He was very, very alone and sat sadly on a big, big tree. Just like this {- _ -}
And then one day a small, small ball landed on this big, big tree. Since the ball flew, it's not surprising that it had a pilot. Now I don't know what happened between them, but the giant became very, very happy. Exactly so: {^o^}…
GPSudoku (Logic) by Muffinman
graphics 5 (for style)
sound 0
controls 5
fun 5
realization 4 (a mark is taken off for the absence of music)
our score 3.8
'Sudoku' is one of the most popular puzzle games today in Great Britain. The idea is simple. There is a grid of 9x9 boxes and numbers 1-9, which have to be fitted into each box so than every row, column and small 3x3 box have all the numbers from 1 to 9.
The Bocket Docket by Jez Arthur
graphics 3
sound 5
controls 4
fun 3
realization 4
our score 3.8
Actually, this is really 2 games. In both of them you're invited to torture the poor peasant, and you won't even have to get out grandfather's bedbugs to do this. Everything is done by the simple pressing of buttons:
A – Bash him
B – Twist him
R – Stretch him
The website also says that emulators are not reviewed because this takes a lot of time to accurately do. It does say that fGB32 is rather faster than the old version.