Sarien And Leisure Suit Larry 1


Still Fresh
Does anyone know how to get passed the verification questions at the begining of Larry 1 ? I tried searching the forums but no one ever posted an answer.

Also who here knows a list of all the games the run on Sarien for GP32?

In response to the Leisure Suit Larry questions, I simply answer them... I'm sure the answers will be up at if you don't know the answers

Failing that, I'm pretty sure there are only about 10 questions, so trial and error won't take a lifetime :)
Bronze thanks for the help. Like I said Ive tried the forum here and foudn squat.
My question was related to Larry 1 using Sarien on GP32 not the PC game incase you were confused. And if you "simply answer" the questions then can u please answer mine ?
And if you "simply answer" the questions then can u please answer mine ?
Don't be rude.
He pointed you towards GameFAQs so use your brain and go there.
how dare you be so rude!
don't you see this forum only exists to serve all his whims?
do you realise he'll actually have to type in the gamefaqs adress (or copy paste it, the horror) and actually search for the faq containing all the answers?
how can you possibly be so barbaric, just give him the link, you can't possibly expect him to do any effort by himself, what's the use of a forum then?

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I wasnt trying to be rude. Sorry if it came off that way. I went to that gamefaqs and could not come up with anything. I tried various searches. Im not the best when it comes to computers and forums and searches, i could use some help.

appreciate it, thansk
just to clarufy the problem im having. When it asks me to answer a question its as if the game doesnt recognize that im entering the letter pertaining to the answer. Perhaps its because the onscreen keyboard is in CAPS and the game only accepts lowercase. Help please , i love you all.
just to clarufy the problem im having. When it asks me to answer a question its as if the game doesnt recognize that im entering the letter pertaining to the answer. Perhaps its because the onscreen keyboard is in CAPS and the game only accepts lowercase. Help please , i love you all.
hmmm... i don't think you've got a ctrl key ^^
cause you can skip the questions with ctrl-X i believe ^^
perhaps looking for soem hacked verson or so :s
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yeah i heard of the CTRL + ALT by pass but there is no CTRL in the onscreen keyboard... any other suggestions? thanks for the help.
I little off topic, but does Sarien play the Hero's Quest games? I know it plays some of the other "Quest" lines of games.
Oh man, guys, can`t you read?

He doesn`t want to have the answers, he wants to know how to input the answers in Sarien...
ok here we go...

"Tiptoe Through the Tulips" was recorded by c Tiny Tim

"Where's the..." c beef?!

A nehru jacket is b out of date

Bourbon Street is in d New Orleans,Louisi...

Calvin Klein is c a clothing designer

Captain Kangaroo's sidekick was d Mr. Greenjeans

Charlie McArthy and d Edgar Bergen

Does a pair of queens beat 3 deuces? a Yes, in Blackjack

Herb Alpert and the ____ Brass? a Tijuana

How many molecules are there in a glass of water? d as many as there ar...

I find computer games with adult content b acceptable

If a physician were on an island with Bo Derek, he would thank God
If Bo Derek were here, I'd ask her to d stop playing...

It's not nice to fool b mother nature

Joe Dimaggio played b Baseball

Lee Harvey killed c John F. Kennedy

Mohammed Ali is c a professional boxer

Peter Piper picked pickled c peppers

Sergent Pepper was c the leader of the...

The largest state is b Alaska

The last name of Annette (on the Mickey Mouse Club) was c Funicello

The most effective form of birth control is a abstinence

The most likely place to find virgins is c St. Mary's Girl's...

The most populous city in the US is c New York

The result of Watergate was c Richard Nixon quit

Utah is full of d none of the above

When playing Monopoly you b must own 4 houses...

Which is non-alcoholic c Perrier

Which is not a car? d Toshiba

Which is not a cheese? d Reisling

Which is not a city in Mexico? c San Diego

Which is not an American armed force? d the national...

Which is not in Hawaii? c Fiji

Who has not been US attourney general? b Sam Shepard

Who is buried in Grants tomb? d Mrs. Grant

Who was not a famous musician? d Tom Garvey

Who was not a politician? c W.C. Fields

Who was not an astronaut? a John Milton

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany? d Adolf Hitler

Who wrote "To be or not to be"? a Will. Shakespeare

Guess I was wrong about there only being 10...