Any Ideas For A Data Cable?


Active Member
Nov 10, 2003
My friend gave me his old samsung data cable, my original plan is to use it to attach a chatboard, but this has other parts and would seem a shame to waste. It has the connector for GP32, then a female connector aswell, then a serial connector. I've put an image to make it look a little eaiser.

I was thinking maybe I could mod this to a chatboard but also have a passthrough or something? Any ideas are welcome.
sure passthrough is a option, than you can connect a bluetooth dongle or whatever to it also :-) or a sd reader in the future.
If I had one of those, I would wait until the specifics of the SD card -> EXT port adaptor are announced and make one of those.
Well, I'm just having a play around to see if I could hook up my RF-Link via it's input socket, I had it on data setting, which was the wire to the PC, and I went into RF-Link in slubmans firmware, and it came up, but just reported the SMC was unformatted. And the RF-Link doesn't seem to work when hooked up via the input socket, I'll keep testing though. and, I will probably will end up using this as an SD adapter thing, but I was just asking for ideas from people.

Edit: Probably because it's probably set to have the input socket going to the serial cable, I'll find a way to figure this out eventually.
SD will only happen through using Linux in the GP32, unless some one can write a firmware to do this... Frankly I do n't think we will every see any thing else other then a 128MB SMC for the GP32.

Just like some one is going to write a pefect full screen, full speed SNES emu.

There is a better chance of moneky's flying outa my butt..
The advantage of SD via ext port is that no firmware modifications are necessary - older software can simply run from the SMC slot, whilst the newer, supporting software can utilize the SD card.
I was thinking maybe I could mod this to a chatboard but also have a passthrough or something? Any ideas are welcome.

The input port of the samsung data cable, is only for power support of the data cable. (with the power supply from the mobile)
So only 4 (2 for each polarity) pins are connected to the power supply of the data cable. There is no pass through to the male connector (for gp32).

I have modified my data cable that i could connect my chatboard (through the input connector of the data cable) to the second serial of the gp32 and use the first serial with the data cable converter (&connector).

I'd like the write a simple terminalprogram, but unfortunately i didn't have the time (and i have to enhance my programming-knowledge of the gp32) to do this....

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Hmm, when switched to the D/L setting though, it turns off the regular socket and I assume enables the input type socket, so I was thinking, if the PC serial had the same colour coding, I could cut that and solder it on, creating a way to plug in something else aswell, would only work if the colour coding was the same and there was the same amount of pins though, wait, actually stupid idea, the serial has nowhere near enough pins. By the way, what's the big thick black wire for? It's soldered to the PCB and is alot thicker then the others.
I'll probably just turn this into an SD thing, it'll be a while before I can think about buying a chatboard, the SD thing layout might be released by then. Thanks for the help.
Is it just a coincidence that bluetooth dongle and the housing on my data cable look exactly same? The bluetooth dongle even has the supposed pass through, which this housing has a slot for which doesn't work. Even the PCB looks similar, there might be something hidden though, we'll all see when they get released.
Hmm, when switched to the D/L setting though, it turns off the regular socket and I assume enables the input type socket,
In the data link cable (model:pcb093lbe) i have, the switch(D/L <-> Data) only switch the Txd- & Rxd-Line of the PC (after the voltage converter) between 2 Pins of the mobil (gp32) connector. On the input connector is only power supply...
so I was thinking, if the PC serial had the same colour coding, I could cut that and solder it on, creating a way to plug in something else aswell, would only work if the colour coding was the same and there was the same amount of pins though, wait, actually stupid idea, the serial has nowhere near enough pins.
On the serial connector of the data cable you have the wrong voltage level(RS232!)! If you want to use the data cable to connect your GP32 with the PC-serial Port you have to modify it. Because the layout of the (Samsung-)mobile- & GP32-Connector are different! (only the same mechanical parts are used)

For the chatboard you don't need the RS232-Driver, it is directly connected to the ext.Port of the GP32.
By the way, what's the big thick black wire for? It's soldered to the PCB and is alot thicker then the others.
It's the cable shield and is solderd to ground.
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