Gbax 2005 Reactions & Reflections

Mmm... the miniproject didn't work on my gp for some obscure fenix reason... :huh:
I'll try again later...

The idea of the healthbar is something I was thinking abuout too... something like shmup levels of Turrican 2 (I know, I know... I'm old... :rolleyes: )
Something I want to do is to eliminate the slowdowns... maybe overclocked fxe can help. Another thing is to do more bg variation during levels but this prendered bgs are really big and gp memory so small :angry: .... I already got something in mind to fix it anyway.

Somebody noticed the real time gamma correction option with L-R?
I kinda think it's a great idea, what do you think?

What error do you get?

And I don`t think an overclocked Fenix is a good solution, but, erm, what slowdowns? I can`t remember any... :D

And no, I didn`t notice the gamma correction. Have to check it out!
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My GP32 USB cable is lost!!!
I downloaded all GP32 stuff, but I'll have to wait until a got a my cable back.
How much would a like to play other peoples entries...
Just because people still want another SNES emulator doesn't mean they don't know there probably won't be one... I know there probably won't be one, but I still hope there will be, some day. Do you NOT want SNES emulation to be better than it is right now?

No I don't want any better SNES emus. I like them slow with dodgy sound like they are now ;)

Seriously I just realize that there will not be a decent SNES emu on the GP32. There just aren't any coders with enough skill that are working on it. Actually there are NO coders at all that are working on it, so forget it.

I'd try to work on it if I had any coding knowlege... if it's possible to make emulators for the GP32 in C++(not that i have any idea why it wouldn't be...), I could probably make one right now if it wasn't for my school screwing me over. When I was in highschool, for my senior year I had the option of taking a C++ class. I signed up for it, but I didn't get in. When I asked about it, they said there weren't enough people, so they just dropped the class entirely. That's a crock of shit though, because I know there were some classes containing only 2 people, and I know of at least 4 other people who signed up for the C++ class too... It was supposed to count as a math credit. I could have killed 2 birds with one stone... I get the last math credit I needed to graduate, and I learn a computer programming language... I could be making stuff for the GP32 right now, but NO! My school had to be retarded AGAIN and screw me out of something. What I don't understand is why they dropped the class. The "not enough people" thing is total bullshit... teachers are always complaining that there are too many kids in their classes... who would be mad about a 5 or 6 person class? I hate my highschool, and I'm so glad to be out of it... that place was a hellhole.

I'd still like to try learning to code... does anybody have any suggestions for how I could learn it without having to take a college/tech school class or buy an expensive book?
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Well here goes my share of opinions about the few entries I had the chance to try out yesterday:

Another World: Looks real good, however it does seem a little buggy (I crashed it when I died, out of desperation, pressing random keys :P) (4/5)

Sudodu: DAMN now this is addictive, I spent like 4 hours playing it. It's so fun! Most probably not a winner due to the apparent "simplicity" of the game, I guess, but it does kick ass, it's a job well done! I'll reckon it'll be a GP32 classic someday (5/5)

The Minigame Project: Couldn't miss Quiest's very own, however I got a white line (BLU+) for some reason, but I did try it nonetheless. I just think people could also contribute to his project, not just him! The new games are fun! (4/5)

Hex Pistols: What's this? Some kind of demo? It did play for a few minutes then restarted my GP, so I presumed there's nothing more. It does look good though! (4/5)

Hugo32: Looks good, but for some strange reason I don't understand, this genre doesn't turn me on - shame on me - however it does deserve it's credit for it's graphics and playability! (4/5)

Tyrannosphere: Didn't work for some fenix reason, however I did read something in this topic about it, so I'll take a deeper look into it later.

Winter Sports Eins: Crashed on my GP as well, but I'll take another look later as well.

My apologies for all the other devvers eagerly waiting for people's thoughts for not trying the other entries yet, I shall have an update by tomorrow or the next day on those :D

My congratulations to all of them and gbax/emuholic for holding the competition though, you all did the most magnificent job :D

What error do you get?

And I don`t think an overclocked Fenix is a good solution, but, erm, what slowdowns? I can`t remember any... :D

And no, I didn`t notice the gamma correction. Have to check it out!

I just messed with gp manager... minigames prj works fine, and it's very good! unfortunately I crashed my smc while saving too... :lol:
you should really put a warning about it...
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What error do you get?

And I don`t think an overclocked Fenix is a good solution, but, erm, what slowdowns? I can`t remember any... :D

And no, I didn`t notice the gamma correction. Have to check it out!

I just messed with gp manager... minigames prj works fine, and it's very good! unfortunately I crashed my smc while saving too... :lol:
you should really put a warning about it...
Is your SMC ok? If not use the SMC ecovery option in pclink. Worked like a charm for me :).
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Another World: Looks real good, however it does seem a little buggy (I crashed it when I died, out of desperation, pressing random keys :P) (4/5)

if you press start+select, AW quits.
dont worry about the malloc error, it nevers happends when playing, only when the game shutdown
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The Minigame Project: Couldn't miss Quiest's very own, however I got a white line (BLU+) for some reason, but I did try it nonetheless. I just think people could also contribute to his project, not just him! The new games are fun! (4/5)

Thanks! I would really like it if someone gets around making a minigame for it :D
Are you sure you got the right fenix.rte runtime? There is a special one for the BLU+.
Though I know that I got the line when playing that memory game Twins, and I for sure have the right runtime. Must be one of those random Fenix bugs.

I apologise for not putting a warning in my minigame when it`s saving, one big mistake!
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Sudoku: DAMN now this is addictive, I spent like 4 hours playing it. It's so fun! Most probably not a winner due to the apparent "simplicity" of the game, I guess, but it does kick ass, it's a job well done! I'll reckon it'll be a GP32 classic someday (5/5)

Thanks for the positive feedback! And to everyone else that liked it as well...
Since it's gone down so well I'm thinking of releasing an updated version with even more puzzles - are there any other enhancements that people would be interested in?
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Sudoku: DAMN now this is addictive, I spent like 4 hours playing it. It's so fun! Most probably not a winner due to the apparent "simplicity" of the game, I guess, but it does kick ass, it's a job well done! I'll reckon it'll be a GP32 classic someday (5/5)

Thanks for the positive feedback! And to everyone else that liked it as well...
Since it's gone down so well I'm thinking of releasing an updated version with even more puzzles - are there any other enhancements that people would be interested in?

Well a nice chilling / spheric background music would be nice.
I can`t think of more, it`s pretty much perfect!
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The Minigame Project: Couldn't miss Quiest's very own, however I got a white line (BLU+) for some reason, but I did  try it nonetheless. I just think people could also contribute to his project, not just him! The new games are fun! (4/5)

Thanks! I would really like it if someone gets around making a minigame for it :D
Are you sure you got the right fenix.rte runtime? There is a special one for the BLU+.
Though I know that I got the line when playing that memory game Twins, and I for sure have the right runtime. Must be one of those random Fenix bugs.

I apologise for not putting a warning in my minigame when it`s saving, one big mistake!

Yeah that's what I thought, I just got the first one that I found, I was kind of in a hurry eheh :D
Well I do hope you can get more people into your project, so you won't be doing all the (good) work ;P
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Sudoku: DAMN now this is addictive, I spent like 4 hours playing it. It's so fun! Most probably not a winner due to the apparent "simplicity" of the game, I guess, but it does kick ass, it's a job well done! I'll reckon it'll be a GP32 classic someday  (5/5)

Thanks for the positive feedback! And to everyone else that liked it as well...
Since it's gone down so well I'm thinking of releasing an updated version with even more puzzles - are there any other enhancements that people would be interested in?

Yeah you should keep working on it, but as Quiest said, as for that game in particular it's pretty much almost perfet!
But we do welcome your future contributions (I guess I can say that in behalf of everyone - except the people who got their GP32's hijacked by their wifes to play Sudoku).
Keep on the good work!!!
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Winter Sports Eins: Crashed on my GP as well, but I'll take another look later as well.

edit start:

I don't want the only feedback to my game saying it does crash, when it does not.
The GBAX archive contains different versions together.

Install WSEinsC.fpk or/and WSEinsA.fpk.
If you got a overclockable GP32, you can add WS1A_156.fxe or/and WS1A_166.fxe to the WSEinsA.fpk installation.
!!! These FXE files are a supplement and don't work alone!!!
(all versions are described in the README.TXT)
More info on my site The Rockin'-B

edit end

This one has been tested a lot on my GP32. A real crash did never happen. The "colorkey" version works great.

The experimental "alpha" version may show a minor little bug sometimes, but pressing SELECT to reset the game helps. The overclocked versions are NOT tested, use on your own risk.

The only reason I can imagine for a crash(at startup) is a missing GFX or SFX file, but the .fpk files should be complete.

Can you describe what you mean by crash a little more detailed?

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I just didn`t try your game yet, because I hate games that come in fpks for which I have to search that extractor tool within my whole harddrive...
I just didn`t try your game yet, because I hate games that come in fpks for which I have to search that extractor tool within my whole harddrive...

I thought FPK installer are the easiest...
You can install this with maclink on MacOS X and official PC link on Windows.
What the hell of an OS are you running?
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I just didn`t try your game yet, because I hate games that come in fpks for which I have to search that extractor tool within my whole harddrive...

I thought FPK installer are the easiest...
You can install this with maclink on MacOS X and official PC link on Windows.
What the hell of an OS are you running?
card reader

easier to just zip them and use a card reader

or he is using linux

but for future jsut use zip/rar becuase it's easier for us w/ card readers (think most of us)
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Yeah the drivers for PC-link are dodgy and can be very finicky some times. I use a reader too.