A little review for the gp32 entries:
Another World: Download n/a
BangGP: It`s a Moorhuhn style shoot`em`up. A bit hard, as the indians in the first level are moving faster as the cursor, so I don`t really like it. And I don`t really know what`s different to the old version.
Bocket: Okay, it didn`t crash as I said before, I just hit Quit by accident. But I don`t really know what to do, as I couldn`t look far into the game yet.
F-Day Preview: Now this one is nice! I only tried fGB32 so far and I`m really stunned. I think it`s much better than the previous release and it`s running at a much faster speed! Go check this out! Seriously!
Ghost Pix: My favorite entry! One hell of a Fenix game! It`s a Marios Picross Clone with a lot of puzzles and a nice spheric soundtrack! Wonderfull! I would give this first place of gp32 entries!
Gp Shoot: Nice Metal Slug clone written in Fenix. I really like the graphics, but there is no sound, and difficulty is quite high, so I didn`t get that far. I most of the time couldn`t see where the enemies shots came from.
GP Sudoku: Now this is a nice one, too. Only for people with a lot of patience, but the interface is very nice done! Good thing is this puzzler has savegame support, so you can continue your game. Only thing it lacks is sound and a nice background music.
Happy Giant: Erm, wtf is that thing

The graphics are really nice, but I don`t know what I am supposed to do. Is it just jumping on people? I accidentely made a combo, don`t know how the hell I did that. And I never now how far that giant is jumping, so I think it`s really hard to play.
Hex Pistols: Okay it runs now, last time it crashed after splash screen. It seems like this is just a demo with nice music and gfx in 60s/70s style. It is very nice to watch.
Hugo32: Okay, now it runs (wtf was up with my smc last night?). And I have to say it is really great! Nice shmup! Fery polished graphics, very nice weapon upgrades, I really like it. I would give it second place!
Mame 1.2: Didn`t try that one yet.
The Mini Game Project: My game, others have to judge over that

Pins: Another map thingy, crashed on my gp32 after some usage, but it`s completely unneccesary for me, cause I live in Germany

Quiz Compo: Very funny short quiz about scumm games. I completed itin one go, so it`s not very hard or longlasting.
Qwarage: I really like that shmup as I`m a big fan of RRootage and Warning Forever, but there is a lot of work left to do, since it`s impossible to dodge must of the bullets.
Rotor: Another very nice Fenix release with stunning graphics! Really nice space shmup! I like that type of games, and the background looks fantastic, a bit like Iridion2 on GBA, but I have to say I found it quite to hard. The enemies bullets looks like the bullets of your ship which makes it very hard to identify and avoid them.
Space Dodger: Version 1.5 of the Space Dodger port

I really like it, though I let others judge, as I was involved in the porting

Shoot em up construction kit: Wasn`t able to mess around with this thing yet, but it looks quite interesting. I definatly have to try to make a nice little shooter with it!
Spotz: It looks like another Sudoku clone, just with circles of different colors instead of numbers. But I prefer the one with the numbers.
Twins: It`s a memory game written in Fenix. Even though I have the BLU+ runtime and every other Fenix game uns fine, this one is producing the blu+ white line. But what I saw, it has a nice menu and interface, but memory is jus a bit to boring for me.
Tyrannosphere: Couldn`t get it to run.
Warlock: Very cool VNS release! A lot of work was put into this! I can`t really judge this, cause I didn`t advance far into the game.