Nudes on!!!


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
I have added a section to my site which has nude (not pornographic) ladies on it. I just wanted to know what people thought of it. Is it a good idea, or should I remove it
I think it's cheesy. I really like what you are doing with the site but this is just too FHM.

You think women are gross? :unsure:

Anyway, how are you creating these 256C pics? they always seem quite grainey yet there are tools available to make 16.7m to 256 colour reduction look much better/clear.

I dont wanna see half of those, silicon really scares me. (at least I think they are fake) Anyway, the concept of looking at pictures because they contain nude people is just silly. I am not gay, but im also not a horny bastard...

And craig, you have to use the palette that windups uses, so you cant have any color that you want...
the concept of looking at pictures because they contain nude people is just silly
Just wait until you reach puberty ;)

I think the GP32 can be seen as ´not a kids toy´ so nudity shouldn´t be a problem. If you don´t like it simply do not go to that part of the site and do not download it.
crazeeplaya posted on Jul 4 2003 said:
nude (not pornographic)
Dude...anything that uses sex as the base of its appeal is porn. What you've posted on your site is porn.

I doubt my girlfriend would be impressed if I used one of those images as my Windups background. Wouldn't you feel slightly embarassed about showing someone your GP32 when there's a plastic-breasted glamour model on the screen?

Those women are very easy on the eye, don't get me wrong, but I just don't think they're suitable as a background.

I'm not against porn, but trust me, if I wanted to view pictures of naked ladies on the internet, there are a million and one better sites than yours. In other words, it's redundant.

Just stick to making tasteful backgrounds. Your site is a fantastic resource for this kind of stuff.
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Huh? I don't get what people's problem is with it! Some of those women r stunning! Don't take em down just cos a few people r scared about naked women :P
VirtuaLeech posted on Jul 5 2003 said:
You´re not from Europe, are you?
I'm from England. And if you think those images aren't pornographic, then I'd love to hear your argument.

Dozer - I never said those women weren't stunning. I have no problem with them being there to be honest. I just see it as a little pointless. I for one would not have a image of a naked woman as the Windups background, and I'd think pretty lowly of anyone who did. Sorry for being a prude, but when you get into real relationships the need for visual gratifcation drops away slightly.

Let's be honest here - these images are going to be used by people who like to make glue without melting horses.
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We may as well stop arguing about this as I have removed them, as I don't think my fiancee would approve :rolleyes:
Besides, whenever I go to gaming lans, id say about 30% of the people have naked chicks as their desktops, or half naked.

People against nudity piss me off, its just so damn stupid. What the fuck is so bad about sexuality that makes it more of a taboo than violence?
I agree, parents seem to happy for their children to watch violent TV, but as soon as any type of nudity is on screen they get told to go to bed. It is almost like they are being taught that violence is ok, but nudity is bad. Go figure
Hmm, though I think it's something you should have to decide yourself, if u want nude girls as a background, then you should be able to have that.

If you don't want nude girls as a background, just don't have it.

I vote for you taking them up again ;)
crazeeplaya posted on Jul 5 2003 said:
It is almost like they are being taught that violence is ok, but nudity is bad. Go figure
that is exactly the way that ppl seem to work these days, though I think it has to with it being seen as overtly sexual as opppsed to just naked flesh, a lot of time the tv shows gratuitous images of naked women, with no other reason than to show naked women, does the same happen re men no it doesn't

I'm not agreeing with the fact naked flesh is frowned upon but the context it mainly gets shown in, we should be able to see nakedness on tv but in a way that doesn't sexualise whats being shown

an the thing re: erect penises, thats such a laugh as well
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Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Jul 5 2003 said:
oh no! You can have blood, voilence and guns! BUT NO NUDITY! COS NUDITY KILLS PEOPLE!
Your sarcasm fails.......guns don't kill people, people kill people so technically yes nudity can kill people more than guns can. If guns could move on their own and have attitude problems then yes they could kill people. A nude glamour model on the other hand could kill some 90yr old with a weak heart by appearing on a GP32 screen in a public place.

I'm talking bollocks I know but who cares.

Pornography (by dictionary definition) is EXPLICIT photography of a man/woman. What was up on the site was a few nice pictures of a few nice ladies.

I rest my case.

Against a wall.
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Swiss_Cheeseman posted on Jul 5 2003 said:
oh no! You can have blood, voilence and guns! BUT NO NUDITY! COS NUDITY KILLS PEOPLE!
That´s the american spirit.
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LOL largest replies a new emulator port, a new game commercial or homebrew. A top port transfered or improved. Linux,PalmOS or WinCE working...NO NO NO Its fleshfest on the GP32. As a recource I have little opinion on nipples on my handheld, I don't care. I think his choice of time for a few poeples pleasure is a good contribution to this thriving scene. Although I think we are complaining too early. Lets get dosemu ported, have some hentai games on there apparently they are very good ;). Anyway love the little warning before the women(Although I dind't notice any man on man action in there) arn't we neglecting the libereted women who like seeking the full sherbert lemon, or more tasteful black and white nudes for the old poofs, these people should not be isolated, and no cencored pictures for AOL users. On a more serious note I must warn you early at being discriminated against by both gamepark and gp32world for not fullfilling my need as a chubby chaser 320x240 pixels can't fit that much woman(see my layer for more details), I expect my larger screen and more celulite within the month. On a side note how difficult would it really be with all those converters graphic programs and general leeching tools just to grab and convert sites that have been doing background of naked chick for years.

P.S lets talk about getting that matrix screensaver working on wind-ups first and swap porn later