Ya Gotta Help Me Guys!!!!

Kein Wunder ich war unglueklich! Ich habe schon viele Zeit, und nichts zu tun!!!

Zu Hilfe......

Want a little correction? Just to help you of course!

It should be: Kein Wunder, dass ich ungluecklich war! Ich habe so viel Zeit, und nichts zu tun!
And nobody really says "Zu Hilfe", it should be just "Hilfe!" (like "Help!") or "Helft mir!" (Help me!)

Sorry, I hope no one gets pissed, I just like helping others to speak german :)
Quiest posted on May 12 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
Kein Wunder ich war unglueklich! Ich habe schon viele Zeit, und nichts zu tun!!!

Zu Hilfe......

Want a little correction? Just to help you of course!

It should be: Kein Wunder, dass ich ungluecklich war! Ich habe so viel Zeit, und nichts zu tun!
And nobody really says "Zu Hilfe", it should be just "Hilfe!" (like "Help!") or "Helft mir!" (Help me!)

Sorry, I hope no one gets pissed, I just like helping others to speak german :)

I am going to make a T-shirt which says "Please correct my German, Because I want to learn". So many collegues feel they are being rude, but I really want to be told! So many thanks, and sorry to everyone else if I keep slipping into (bad) German!!!

I forgot that time (Zeit) doesn't take a standard adjectival ending. And because I sing so much old German, I see things like 'zu Hilfe' all the time! When I was here at first, I kept calling my Wife my 'Weib' and couldn't understand why everyone kept laughing!!!


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Talyz posted on May 12 2005 at 03:08 PM said:
Why were you banned, lubidog?

Didn't post a link in the random crap thread. Just posted! Jeez you mods are strict!

But then nor did the Troop, and look at him now, swanning away posting hither and nither!

Might have to get da Boi to spam him!!!

(My God I'm Juvenile!!!)
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And Trooper isn't? Eh? EEHH?


I've got new friends at Sengo :P :P :P

Seriously, just unban me! I'm kinda bored now! Remember power corrupts and everything!!!

rabbits! watch yer back ;)

plus his account is suspended for 3 days hardly a harsh punishment,

plus your a norwich fan which really doesnt help your situation.
rabbits with hats posted on May 12 2005 at 08:11 PM said:
What tit would ban lubidog? They must be a real ass. I can under stand banning San but why lubidog?

Ps: don't ban me for this tis a joke :P

Ah, Rabbits! I am really touched, cheers Pal!

But unban Sam too. He's alright! At least he's trying to learn Fenix, more than I am. I'm all take :(
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Quiest posted on May 12 2005 at 10:19 AM said:
Kein Wunder ich war unglueklich! Ich habe schon viele Zeit, und nichts zu tun!!!

Zu Hilfe......

Want a little correction? Just to help you of course!

It should be: Kein Wunder, dass ich ungluecklich war! Ich habe so viel Zeit, und nichts zu tun!
And nobody really says "Zu Hilfe", it should be just "Hilfe!" (like "Help!") or "Helft mir!" (Help me!)

Sorry, I hope no one gets pissed, I just like helping others to speak german :)

Eh?? I thought it was "Hilf mir!"

Verflixt! Ich habe mich verletzt!!!

Ach mein Gott, sie haben Kenny getötet! Ihr Schufte!!!

Oh, wie schrecklich. Sag, kannst du das hören? Es ist das Geräusch des Reapers...

Ich mag Deutsch sprechen. Es macht viel Spaß! :)
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sensible GP32 posted on May 12 2005 at 09:21 PM said:

rabbits! watch yer back ;)

plus his account is suspended for 3 days hardly a harsh punishment,

plus your a norwich fan which really doesnt help your situation.

:D OK 3 days is not that bad. But Norwich rock, who do you support, Everton? :lol:
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rabbits with hats posted on May 12 2005 at 09:09 PM said:
I izda Boi inda Hood! posted on May 12 2005 at 09:55 PM said:
Schufte! Gutes Wort!!!!


Edit. I think all fans of Fine Food should be sympathetic to Norwich! What a woman Deliah is!

I hate her.

Why? :blink:
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