Please release your sources


That's the way I like it
Apr 26, 2003
Wouldn't it be great if people who had started an emulator but never finished it released their sources so that someone could continue their work. This way we would more than likely have a better selection of emulators for the GP32. A prime example is GBVGB (gameboy) which showed potential, but was then abandoned

Thoughts please
yes i'm starting to feel this way to and i'm really going 2 push to learn how to program in my summer holidays. Maybe its some mad effect that happens when you learn how to program that you dont want 2 ever release your sources muahahaahahaha
I've argued for source to be released for ages.... think of the progress we could have made on the emus if they had source avail...

I don't understand why none of ZJones' sources were released ...I mean his GPvGB emulator was amazing but could have been better and his SNES and GENESIS beta emulators were also amazing in beta stages. But now with him gone and his sources kept exclusive we have to start from scratch making something better than what he started but didn't finish :(
Zar isn't gone, see the gp32emu forums hes quite active there.

See the post 'what emulator should i make next' page 4 and 5.

Hey craig, your a pretty high figure in the scene, can't you somehow convince ZJ to release his sources?
Zar is still coding leave him alone.

If he releases it and someone makes a fatabulous version with asm hacks and all that. Where will he be standing, and i bet he wont understand the code that other people have done. its his project let him do it!!!
Well, perhaps his code isn't clear enough to release. In this case he has to make an effort to clean it up, sort it out so it runs on multiple systems. We should not expect him to do this.

On the other hand, the Doom source was released and took a while to get compiling, but once it did we were supplied a load of useful improvements :D Xrick also got extra features...

Ultimately it is ZJ's choice. If enough serious coders bug him about it, he would probably do it.

- Rico
Well, WHY RELEASE when he's still coding on it?

I can understand if you're trying to get sourcecode releases of abandoned projects, but why of projects where the author is still working at?
He is still coding it, I thought that he was done with it... but even if he is, im sure gp32 will be around long enough for more people to come by and code gameboy emulators. GPVGB works so good for me that I dont even need a another version so, meh...
I've never come across a GBC emulator thats worked on my GP32 yet, but that doesn't mean I'm going to badger every coder under the sun for source code. Part of the fun of owning a GP32 (I think) is checking the news sites everyday to see if just maybe, JUST MAYBE, something new is ready for release.

Perhaps (and this is just a suggestion) there should be a new topic area on the forum which only recognised serious coders could post in, and they could simply just drop in a post once a month to say that they're still working on it, or they've given up or they are having a break. This way we could keep track and then ask for source code with good reason without annoyingly spamming the persons e-mail account.

But I suppose this would remove the freelance spirit of the GP32 scene......a sticky saying what is being built and what isnt would be good enough I suppose.
EvilDragon posted on Jul 4 2003 said:
Well, WHY RELEASE when he's still coding on it?

I can understand if you're trying to get sourcecode releases of abandoned projects, but why of projects where the author is still working at?
You're wrong, and you're write.

ZJ no longer codes for GPVSGB as far as I know. However, he passed it on to another developer who is coding for it at the moment...
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It's not just emulators. There is a lot of code out there which would be useful for people starting out developing. I've just started out, and I've found myself writing a line drawing routine and a clear screen routine. I'm sure I'm not the first person to write these routins, but there just doesn't seem to be a repository for code past the SDK. Admitedly, I enjoyed writing these sort of low level routines, but i think we should be trying to encourage less experienced coders (i.e. those who want to amke a game, not implement bresenham's algorithm) to get into the writing games.

BTW, I am planning to realease my game(Asteroids clone, more traditional than GPasteroids) as Open Source. Not much of use in there, except the line drawing, but I've only just started :P
Was the 15day competition open source? Meaning, after the competition is over the authors have to release their source?... I think that would help a bit...
Rico posted on Jul 4 2003 said:
ZJ no longer codes for GPVSGB as far as I know. However, he passed it on to another developer who is coding for it at the moment...
You mean, it's again in development?
That's some great news!
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