Foreign Underground Scenes?


Still Fresh
Dec 10, 2004
Orange County, California, USA
Visit site
I guess "Foreign" is the wrong word to use since the GP32 originates in Korea:)

What I'm wondering is if there is a parallel Scene in Asia for the GP32. I know I've come across a few programs here and there (GPnese, Morning Coffee, Tarot Card Game). I am aware that there is a strong scene in Spain (Home of Fenix). Do we consider it all one scene, or are there language barriers that separate us? For example, if a really great app comes out, but is only mentioned on a Korean board, does it ever get any airtime here or on a Spanish board?

this has been a constant wonder for the broadly english speaking community, do perfect emulators of snes etc exist somewhere in asia?

it seems that the stuff that the main gp32 spanish website reports are the same things that make the front page here.
I`m interested in that, too. What other homebrew is there? There has to be homebrew we never heard of, I think, because I (nearly) never see anything homebrewish in korean or japanese or chinese or whatever...
grooveholmes posted on Apr 25 2005 at 02:09 PM said:
and why does MAME become SUCKS when you translate gp32spain to english via babelfish. (rhymes)

Because Sucks and mame mean the same...
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I don' t think that there is an important GP32 scene in Asia, because, I guess that if there would be an asian scene, at least of person who speak english would try to contact ppl from here...
That's the reason why I don't believe that there actually is one, but for me it seems a bit like there was some little scene. :blink: I don't think there were any big emulators or such, though. ;)
mamar = to suck.
mamando = sucking.
mame = you know already.

There is no language barrier for us, the spanish people, all the apps and games that comes from spain, are posted here too, so the scene is the same for all of us, no barriers, no "secretappsinastrangelanguagethatyouwilleverbeabletouseinyourgp32"
For the French scene that I know (since I'm French) , many of its actors also mention their creations on GP32x so there is no real language barrier , just same as with Spanish and German scene .

As far as Asian scenes are concerned, I dont know too much about Korean or Chinese scene but Japanese scene is nearly inexistent , there is one japanese site like gp32x but it's far from the quality of it , and most of the news on this japanese site obviously come from gp32x or other big gp32 sites .

Anyway , since there are a few people speaking Korean+English , Japanese+English or Chinese+English , we would now if some very good work appears , just like for that bubble Korean game based on an arcade game that went online a few month ago (same with that "samurai" kinda game-demo ...

I wonder if there are any Chinese / HK / Taiwanese scene ...

Some stuff on Dreamcast came from HK , but i dont think gp32 is that popular in the "Chinese world" (to include HK and the "other" China)

BTW : CAPS flame Started :) :) (Wonder why nobody noticed....)
At the risk of posting meaningless text, I was thinking the same thing!

There, I've told you all! Can't tell you how good it feels...

(@Trooper :D )
Qingdan posted on Apr 25 2005 at 05:57 PM said:
... , just same as with Spanish and German scene .


:o :o :o :o :o There is a german scene ?????????? :o
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Joking about the German scene ... :)
Seems pretty similar to Japanese scene :)

But there are some German Devvers ...