I Want Your Old Pc Parts


i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
May 31, 2004
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Okay so Im after a new PC on a budget, so If anyone has any oldish (P3 or newer) parts of any type, HDDs, RAM, MOBOs etc...I will pay cash for them!!! Let me know, im posting here as its not GP32 related....
I should be able to sell you a 5600 ultra in the next few weeks, although it could still end up in a differant system (Dads, sisters etc.).
Id be delighted with both those offers, and sam I promise to format your drive before use!!! PM me with how much you want for your 5600, and let me know how much for P&P on the HDD sam.
*Rumages in drawer*

I've got:
a 100mb Iomega zip drive (looks IDE)
37gb Maxtor Atlas 10K SCSI HD
ISA Floppy drive controller card (WTF is that doing there?!)
Presumably Id need a SCSI contorller, ive never touched SCSI before, what does it entail? thanks to everyone though, i thought I was going to have to go back to using my cyrix 233....
You'd need an appropriate scsi card, cabling, terminators... Easier and cheaper to buy a new IDE 80gb for £40 (assuming you can afford £40 on a HD of course...)
Want my Intel 8086 motherboard with builton cpu? It comes with a CGA video card...

j/k :P

I broke that motherboard a long time ago. (On purpose!)

I just bought that, what does everyone think? Its not great, but its within budget and seems okay. What sort of OC options does it offer me btw? Basically im still in need of a graphics card and HDD, so sam and finty.... :P. No seriously guys if you could PM me and we can sort something out id be a very happy man!
nice price

But you still need -

CPU Cooler - About £10 - £20
IDE Ribbon Cables and Floppy cables - £5 - £10
PSU - £20 - £30
Hard Drive - £20 - £200 (depending on the size)
2x DVDRom / DVDRW Drives to fill them holes - £20 - £50
Floppy drive - £5 - £10
Graphics Card - £50 - £300

Been reading some forums and apparetnly its not a very good mother board for overcloking with

And someone was realy silly enough to pay £18 for a £20 NEXT Gift Voucher??? :P LOL
I have:
PSU (Not sure what rating, whats recommendable cos its easily replaced)
Floppy and cables
CDRW and cables
DVD (needs cable)
12 gig HDD and hopefully another 20 gig (one cable so ill need another)
My rubbish old geforce 2
My lovely audigy sound card

Anyone recommend a decent and cheap cooler?

And if anyone has any more parts im more than willing to pay small amounts for them...