Panzer Dragoon Esque Game...


Sir Cheapass Gamer
Jul 1, 2004
Battle Creek, MI, USA
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I'm think about making a panzer dragoon type of game. But with a top-down view... The shoulder buttons making your dragon turn 90 degrees...
You'd have your gun to shoot with, and the dragons homing lasers...
Not sure how I'd do this in fenix, but it doesnt seem terribly complicated gameplay wise....... But first I'll have to learn fenix.... To Evildragons tutorials!
Regardless of wether or not i'll end up being able to do this... I'm atleast making some sprites... :)
Wasnt there a fenix version of PD already in development? I could swear I remember a tech demo being released during a recently passed contest.
Yeah, but i want to make one that is like vertical shooter looking, plus i'm not sure if that project will ever get any further....
Reguardless, I still want make my vertical shooter that is vaguely like panzer dragoon.... :P
I would think it just easier to make the games scroll in on direction (after all the real game did the same being "on rails" and all). This way you could make the homing shot work like the bomb in Xevious. Left and right shoulder buttons could switch the target at 90 degree angles to target things as the fly at you from the left, right and rear.
I dont quite understand what you mean by that.. I'll have to play xevious to find out....
I think I've got a decent Idea of how the game will play, controls wise...
I'm not going to have anything code related done for a while...

but I'm working on graphics...:)
I'm little be unsure what you mean, fenix cannot provide the power you require. Though creating a game similar in fenix would be pointless, as this would not be panzer dragoon. Have a look at gunbird instead.......
timthepig posted on Apr 11 2005 at 12:17 AM said:
I'm little be unsure what you mean, fenix cannot provide the power you require. Though creating a game similar in fenix would be pointless, as this would not be panzer dragoon. Have a look at gunbird instead.......
Dont tell me that my idea is pointless... :angry: I think it could turn out quite fun...
Dont tell me to look into doing something else, I will do what i want... If this project ever gets anywhere and i release it, if you dont like it you can just ignore it... If its not possible, then I will have learn enough fenix trying to do this to make some other game in fenix...
Its probably not going to end up too much like panzer dragoon in the end... I did not say i was going to remake panzer dragoon... I'm going to make a vertical shooter with some elements similar to panzer dragoon... It'll still be better than that Pos Panzer Dragoon mini...

How about you Go to hell, then Die
And leave me alone... ^_^
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You very well could make a 2d scrolling shooter like PD, it wasn't a horribly complicated design just very well produced with an original visual presentation.

When I mentioned Xevious I meant how it has the target reticule in front of the ship to mark where you bomb will land when you fire it. The same could be used for firing at things comming at you from the sides and rear and marking targets for the homing shot.

As for the comment about how Fenix cant provide the power, it's a very capable code, no you arnt going to get 3d polygons, but I've seen games made in plain ole flash with no extra plugins that could mimic many functions of PD. It's all in how you use your resources.
The only "3D" would be mode7 and some pseudo effects like resizing sprites (Afterburner, for example should be relatively easy to do)

Good luck for making your game, btw :D
... as Rico lols at that, it comes to my mind, shouldn`he die first and then go to hell? :blink:

That is at least the way I would do it. :D
Um, the way I see it, when you die, that's it. Nothingness. So first Hell, then Dieing. For maximum yield.

Not that I believe in Hell... Maybe in hell, but not in Hell.
but hell is in the afterlife. "After life". To get there, you die, then go to hell and stay there forever.
If you go to hell and you die as soon as you`re there, what`s then when using your theory?
It should be go to hell and die and stay there forever or something like that.

Hey, who`s getting off-topic here? <_<*at me*