Different Firmwares

wind ups or yafl!!!!

why: cause there brilliant/amazing.

question: why make a post when you can test it youself? every one has there opinion and wind ups and yafl is mine but you might not like it so try yourself.
Ehehe thanks for the suggestion but I started the post because I am quite new to the GP32, and there supposedly are risks in flashing the system so therefore I wouldn't want to start trying blindly :P
Nilsiboy posted on Mar 30 2005 at 06:29 PM said:
windups/yafl are no firmwares.....
I'll suggest nothing coz i have no blu+, sorry ;)

True but I sorta got what he meant :P since most firmwares I've seen include at least wind-ups :P however suggestions of real firmware packages would be most appreciated :)
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Nilsiboy posted on Mar 30 2005 at 06:29 PM said:
windups/yafl are no firmwares.....
They can be. A firmware on the gp32 is a bios + an executable. Take yafl, combine it with a bios and you've got a yafl firmware. You can actually make a firmware out of any fxe but just don't try and do it with an fxe that can't launch other files :).
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Talyz posted on Mar 30 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
Slubman (I think there's a BLU+ version)
Seconded, it is much better than the original and all the others.
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I personally go for the Mr Sporty multi one, and just have it auto boot to the newer european firmware, and when i need it i just hold select and turn it on and i'm in the menu so i can go to pacrom and format and smc if necessary, or maybe wind-ups to delete a file off of an smc from the gp32 itself.

to me that is useful.
Hanz™ posted on Mar 30 2005 at 01:59 PM said:
Talyz posted on Mar 30 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
Slubman (I think there's a BLU+ version)
Seconded, it is much better than the original and all the others.
3rd it I was using the defualt BLU one but then I coldn't fix my SMC so I switched and the format tool w/ it fixed it
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I used to love pacrom, it was brilliant. I had it on my old flu.

Now I have a blu+ with the normal firmware. I miss pacrom :/
Hanz™ posted on Mar 30 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
Talyz posted on Mar 30 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
Slubman (I think there's a BLU+ version)
Seconded, it is much better than the original and all the others.

So what does it offer over the original? I still have the original in mine :)
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I'd go for GPBios
thats what I have
It allows you to easilly launch any 3 fxe's or .bin(firmware's) without having to flash..
THis makes It very easy to test out various firmware and file launchers without worry!

The only thing is that I'm not sure if it is compatible with BLU+ I'd think so though..
Thraka posted on Mar 30 2005 at 11:19 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Mar 30 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
Talyz posted on Mar 30 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
Slubman (I think there's a BLU+ version)
Seconded, it is much better than the original and all the others.

So what does it offer over the original? I still have the original in mine :)
There is an explorer which you can use to delete and rename and create folders and move files around (and all of that shit).
And it also has a format, if your card has got busted and you need to format it to get it to work on a GP32.
It also has (Well one copy does anyway) Phodrive which allows you to transfer files onto the GP32 really quickly and effectively use it as another hard drive.
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DemonStar55 posted on Mar 30 2005 at 08:13 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Mar 30 2005 at 01:59 PM said:
Talyz posted on Mar 30 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
Slubman (I think there's a BLU+ version)
Seconded, it is much better than the original and all the others.
3rd it I was using the defualt BLU one but then I coldn't fix my SMC so I switched and the format tool w/ it fixed it
4ed-5ed-or what ever it is now :lol: .
Try out the .fxe one firs to see if u like it.

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