All 3d Games For Gp32

Dont forget about the quake port.

If you count mode7 as 3D, also NazcaRunner.

Can`t think of more right now...
Oh, yeah, and there is this tunnel game, and NazcaTron is 3D/Mode7, too, if I remember correctly.
Quiest posted on Mar 26 2005 at 06:18 PM said:
Dont forget about the quake port.
I don't think you stressed that enough, Quiest. We have Quake on the GP32! It runs darn good, too. :D

Also, Rise of the Triad and Wolfenstein are good (Never tried Wolfenstein on the GP myself, but RoTT runs nice :) ). Heretic was also ported, but I'm not sure how well that works.
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Apeiron posted on Mar 26 2005 at 08:12 PM said:
And the Resident evil demo, that totally blew me away when I had my gp32
I'm not sure if that was true 3d or just a sprite moving across a backround picture (in a 3d like way), but I have to agree that it was truly amazing when I first saw it.

Edit: After re-reading this post, hopefully it makes sense to someone besides myself. ;)
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Thanks, I just want to know this because I'm still not sure if I am goning to buy an Gamepark or something else, the problem is that there aren't really alot of 3d games and Iám affraid that I will once get bored. (we still have super mario :P)
Here's a list from all 3d games I've heard:
Resident Evil (demo)
Metal Gear solid VR
Yeti 3d engine : (the problem is that this is only the engine so it isn't really usefull)
Duke Nukem 3d port and a few other megadrive's
F-zero remake

That are already quite alot :P, I hope it will stay growing :D
Already mentioned:

Rise of the triad.
All kinds of doom wads such as Heretic....
Hard wired for the Genesis
Mig fullcrum and alike for the genesis or ST etcetc.
Fishbong posted on Mar 27 2005 at 09:46 AM said:
schaap2005 posted on Mar 27 2005 at 06:42 AM said:
Yeti 3d engine : (the problem is that this is only the engine so it isn't really usefull)

That´s not true. There are a few yeti 3D games, like this: Tech32

Ok, sorry that's right B)
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