Gp32 Emulation Which One

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ok... I would like to find out which is the most popuar with the gp32 users

zx spectrum, c64, master system, mega drive, gba (if it comes out) bbc (when it is realished) atari 2600,mame, master system e.t.c.

as i am over 35 and live in the uk I had a zx spectrum in the early 80`s the zx spectrum port is 100 % and enjoy playing jetpac,manic miner and head over heels E.T.C
so i say the zx spectrum gets my vote.

lets have a good old fansion battle to ask which is better and then we can ask which emulater we would like to be improved or created for the gp32 how about the oric being ported ?
have fun

i fear you are going to get flamed for the caps...

at the moment my favourite is the DrMD, with phantasy star 4 :)
It just has to be Mame - 600+ arcade perfect classics.

Though I could be swayed if someone brings out a Vic20 emulator for 16k action in Star defence by Anirog or Jeff Minter Classics like Gridrunner, Matrix, Lazerzone which were better on Vic than C64.

PC Engine is great for Salamander.

Never really got on with the Speccy due to colour clash making the sprites look awful and the rubbish keyboard.
(Flame on!)
vic20-ian posted on Mar 23 2005 at 10:14 AM said:
It just has to be Mame - 600+ arcade perfect classics.

Though I could be swayed if someone brings out a Vic20 emulator for 16k action in Star defence by Anirog or Jeff Minter Classics like Gridrunner, Matrix, Lazerzone which were better on Vic than C64.

PC Engine is great for Salamander.

Never really got on with the Speccy due to colour clash making the sprites look awful and the rubbish keyboard.
(Flame on!)

hay the vic 20 sounds good old game of grid runner would be great

Ian :o)
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I have to agree that MAME is my favourite emulator, oooh it's nice. My second favourite would be Drmd, I need to try version 2.0 though, I haven't used it yet! :D
Been playing Megadrive/Genesis a hell of a lot since DrMDv2 came out (got a new SMC just for that). Prior to that I was playing Spectrum stuff almost exclusively.

In rough order:

PC Engine
Atari ST
SNES (would be 2nd place but I've already played nearly every game to death)

Yet to properly explore CPC, Atari 800, NGP and others...

But realistically, there's not much separating my list from top to bottom -- I love each and every one of them!
C64 tops my list!

Then Atari ST, because it plays Flood and Nitro :)
And it's as close to an Amiga as I can get in my pocket :D

I don't know enough about games on the other systems to pick ones that are fun to play.
Oh tough choice !

I would say its between Atari ST (love going through those game compliations trying games i havent played before), MAME and ZX Spectrum.

Such a good choice though
I haven't got my unit yet (should receieve it later today hopefully :D) but I'm looking forward to playing the following:-

1. Mame (the main reason I purchased a GP32)
2. PCEngine (wanted one of these when I was younger, nice graphics)
3. Spectrum (had one of these as a kid. Memories :) )
4. Lynx and Gameboy (owned these also)
5. Mega Drive and Atari ST (both look interesting)

Nice post!

I can't decide, DRMD V.2, Phantasy Star 4(Ooohhhhh), NES YOyOY (?)-SMB3, PCEngine R-Type, Mame -Everything all at once (Gotta a new sms just for it!

Love the Speccy, Love the gba (Mario Tennis :D ),

Spoilt for choice. So grateful for the good people who make this possible!

And before I forget - PYSCHIC PINBALL on DRMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D B)
It's realy very good!!!!!!!!!

(and outrun on DRMD-that music...............)

Er, have I made myself clear.....?
damn this is a tricky one,

i need to go into the under belly of the mega drive, i feel like ive played ever game and i know i aint, DRmdv2 is certainly the most gripping atm what with the sound and all,

BUT the ST emulator is amazing, really darn good.... so is the zx emu and mame those are what i currently have on my smc

ZX emulator is great becuase the games are so small....
It's hateful saying "X-emulator' is my favourite because there are so many good ones.

Given I am so hateful anyway :P , I will say the Atari 800 emulator is my favourite. But there are so many good emulators on the GP32. (I am away from home now and am worried MAME v1.1 will disappear before i get to download it!
How does Mario (any of the series) play on the GP32. Is the SNES the best version and if so, does it play well on the GP32 BLU+

GA01 posted on Mar 23 2005 at 06:44 PM said:
How does Mario (any of the series) play on the GP32. Is the SNES the best version and if so, does it play well on the GP32 BLU+


Super mario world is very slow on most snes emulator on the GP32, You can up the frame skip to speed it up, But it gets very stuttery.

Your best bet is to play the mario series on LJ (Little John) as it plays pretty much perfect.

Btw: version 0.3 of LJ is apparently faster than 0.4.

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Super Mario World runs full speed without sound on osnes9xgp, so depending on where you are and what you are doing, that could be fine.

However, as you are getting a new unit I expect you will be getting a BLU+ so you will have to use regular snes9xgp and I can't confirm the speed of that.

But Mario 1-3 all run full speed with sound on LJGP32 (NES) anyway.