Quirkiest Japanese Games Out There, Or Just The


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Hey all, just thought I'd throw this thread out there. It seems to me that there are a LOT of japanese games out there that never come out in the US or UK, some really good ones that most people would never think to try, but some are real gems and definately worth hunting down and playing.

This isn't a console specific thread... any console, any era...

If you've played a Japanese game that was very good, for any system, that never made it outside of Japan, maybe is rare or just that you think no one ever bothered playing it but you think it it worth playing, please list it here! In particular, I'm interested in the quirky ones that are very Japanese in flavor, but they can be any type of game as long as it's a good one! Be sure to list what system the game was for, and if you feel so inclined, give a little info about the game or a rating or whatever.

Anyways, just a couple off the top of my head:

Sin and Punishment - N64 : one of the N64's best... was supposed to come to the US but got canned at the last minute! A great game by Treasure (makers of Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes and Ikaruga). One of the best shooting/action games I have ever played... sorta similiar to Panzer Dragoon but far superior, IMO. Plays great on some of the N64 emulators on PC and Xbox!

Guru Logi Champ - GBA : AWESOME, very quirky Japanese puzzle game, easy to learn, with lots of levels and very cool animations to watch in between levels. One of the best GBA games that never left Japan, this one is permanently on my Flash Cart.

Crayon Shin Chan - GBA : A great Mario-style side scrolling platformer... you play a kid who can wear many different costumes each giving special abilities, like a frog suit (you can jump high and swing from the frogs tongue), Monkey suit (you can wall jump) and super hero suit (you can fire laser beams). Also, you can call on four members of the kids family (father, mother, baby, and dog) to use special abilities or attacks, to help get hidden or out of reach items, to help you jump higher, etc. It has about 10 levels each which has a theme based on a movie, they are all very different with totally different enemies in each. Well worth playing though there's a lot of story in this one that you wont get because it's in Japanese of course. There are lots of other Crayon Shin Chan games for other systems but none of them are near as good as the GBA one as far as I can tell.

Alien Soldier - Megadrive : Another Treasure game... side scrolling action shooter platformer... basically, a boss fight game, there are 'level's per se but they are very short with very easy enemies... the real meat of the game are the 20+ boss fights, some of the hardest bosses ever created, and graphically some of the most impressive on the Megadrive. This one release in the UK as well... this is now one of the Megadrive's most sought after, rare and valuable games... works near perfectly on DrMD!

Well that's all I can think of for now... please lets make a great list of games so mroe people can try these 'buried treasures' that normally no one would even think of playing or could never find if they wanted to!
Remote Control Dandy PS1. Giant robot fighting in the city, doesn't get much better or rarer than this game. Plenty more I can't think of right now:P
Vib Ribbon - PS1 - though I've never played it :( I've heard only good things about it. Pretty rare...
bast525 posted on Mar 20 2005 at 12:56 PM said:
Vib Ribbon - PS1 - though I've never played it :( I've heard only good things about it. Pretty rare...
Vib ribbon was released over in the uk. Oh your in the US
Sin And Punishment-N64
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sensible GP32 posted on Mar 20 2005 at 04:16 PM said:
bishi bashi is by far the best funny set of mini games ever

perm rocks!

Bishi Bashi? Perm?

More details please :)
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Yup bishi bashi is probably the best ps1 game . Cant find min eanymore but i think it was released here in the uk. Densha de go train or whatever it was called seemed quite good :huh: .
policenauts is a great great game much like snatcher that wasn't released in europe or usa. there was a translation project for this game, but it seems things didn't go too well with that..
Hmmm Bishi Bashi - that brings back some memories...

I used to love the cockroach killing game... some of the others were top fun too...

I'm sure that the guy used to say "Itch arse" at the start of every game though...
yeah but Katamari got released all over... man it was hard to get for a while though I had to check all over town before I found one game store that had ONE copy left which I begged them to hold and promptly rushed over to snatch up.

Since then I haven't seen any around though it seems everyone I know has at least played it? Indeed a GREAT game one that should not be missed.

Okay so... Bishi Bashi... I'll see if I can't get my hands on this.

And I'm gonna keep trying to get Vib Ribbon. I actually saw a copy at my local import place... was picking up some japanese PSP games... went back like a week later fully intent on picking up Vib Ribbon but it was sold... DAMN!
bast525 posted on Mar 21 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
yeah but Katamari got released all over... man it was hard to get for a while though I had to check all over town before I found one game store that had ONE copy left which I begged them to hold and promptly rushed over to snatch up.

Since then I haven't seen any around though it seems everyone I know has at least played it? Indeed a GREAT game one that should not be missed.

Okay so... Bishi Bashi... I'll see if I can't get my hands on this.

And I'm gonna keep trying to get Vib Ribbon. I actually saw a copy at my local import place... was picking up some japanese PSP games... went back like a week later fully intent on picking up Vib Ribbon but it was sold... DAMN!

Are you in the US? Katamari never made it to the UK.
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im sure that Puzzle and Action - Ichidant for the megadrive is very like bishi bashi. Well ive not tryed it yet but just noticed i have it but i have played it on mame
Katamari not making it to the UK sux :( hopefully there were plenty available for you guys to import?
Oh, Katamari is one sweet game. Can't wait for the sequel. :D

Mr. Mosquito (Ka in Japan) - PS2 - Awesome, awesome game. You're a Mosquito who has to stock up on blood for the winter. You harass a family throughout the game and watch their relationship deteriorate... so great.

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest - GameCube - You're an animal (a cubivore) that has to eat its way to becoming the King of All Cubivores. It's the definitive quarky game. You even get to mate. :D

Adventures of Cookie and Cream - PS2 - Madness. You NEED two players to play it (unless you're just very skilled with a controller). Both players can use the same controller as you only need half of it to do tasks in the game. Cookie and Cream are on seperate sides of the screen and they have to help each other get to the end of the level without dying. Very fun.

I want to get Ribbit King, which looks good, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Cabbages - THANK YOU!!! I decided to track down that Puzzle and Action Ichidant game and I'm very happy I did! Thank you very much for your recommendation, this is EXACTLY the kind of game I was thinking of when I started this thread.

For anyone else reading this, get this game for DrMD... it's just a game made up of fun little, quirky mini games, and plays perfectly on DrMD so far. Some of the games take a second to figure out what to do because of the japanese, and one game I got completely stuck on (you have to find a bat hiding in a bunch of coffins with shapes/symbols on them, and the game gives you hints in japanese so you can really only win if you get lucky (hint: use the quicksave function), but otherwise I figured every game out within a few seconds, the mini games themselves are fun, and last maybe a good minute or two each.

Thanks again Cabbages... also, there is another puzzle and action game for the Mega Drive I'm going to try that one as well.

Shinneri - I've been trying to get a copy of Cookie and Cream for a while now... that game looked very cool and fun and definately fits the bill of quirky... I've a feeling my wife and I would have a blast on that one.