

Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2003
ok i got scumm, and day of the tentacle, but there are so many files for datt, do i need to put them all on my gp32?
The .sou (Sound...) is the speech, (If it's the CD version) sound effects and music... Copy this over (If it'll fit on your card) for sound effects at least!... *Note: at present you can ONLY use the disk version of the sound file - Mainly as the CD version, with speech, is too big!*

The other files are used by DOS... They are not needed when using Scumm. (Either windows or GP32.)
yeah ive got the disk, so ive got speech now, yepee, how big is this game, and how do you save (it acts like you need to put a file name in, but i can't type)
I sent an e-mail to the gpscumm author, in hope of him implementing support for ogg or mp3 encoded monster.sou, as in the original scummvm.
It halves the size of talkie editions of the games. Neato :)
Then it is not a talkie. The smallest .sou files are usually over 100 mb.
you have the demo version. Sound is only for the first cinematic intro, and another cinematic later on (for DOTT...) most of the sound isn't there. The FULL sound file is 256mb and requires a different .000 and .001 file set too... of course it wouldn't fit on the SMC :p
I put how to save in one of the other messages marked "Scumm" - If I find it, or someone is kind enough to find it first, then I'll put the link up...

Found it:


I take it you have gotten as far as pressing START and are at the Load/Save screen?


1) Unless already done so, click on SAVE (A button)

2) Click on the save-number you want. (A button again - It should highlight.)

3) Hold down the RIGHT TRIGGER button. Now moving the joystick will allow you to select the letter (Up/Down) or move the curson (Left/Right)... Note - moving left will DELETE the character.

4) Double click (A button) on the highlighted save number to save the game.


There you go... :)
In an earlier thread, the author of scummvm was presented the concept of using an mp3 formatted .sou, or perhaps playing it from a zipped file like some emulators. He said he'd look into those.