Health Project!!

Dozer posted on Mar 11 2005 at 11:57 AM said:
I'd just just do it on pot. At least you can set a lot of stupid people straight on the facts.
someone is already doing it and I think someone is already doing DXM (cough [ spam word ]) too
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i know you are all gona say this is stupid but it's true, do Oxygen. It's really a drug. they actually have Oxygen Bars where you can get "high" off of oxygen where you breath almost pure oxygen. Basically what oxygen does is it calms the mind when you take in more than the "required" (what you body has adapted to).

One way to put it is when you take a deap breath, you may feel relaxed a bit. not much, but a bit. Also if you are a diver, and go to deep than the maximum depth your tank is allowed you may get the symptom called the "martini effect" where oxygen at such pressures can be dangerous and breathing it will cause the mind to go into a state of what is like being intoxicated.

I know all this because i did a report on it. but don't remember it all cause it was a few years ago. <_<
Dozer posted on Mar 11 2005 at 04:57 PM said:
I'd just just do it on pot. At least you can set a lot of stupid people straight on the facts.
Goddamn that's funny.
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Whats the outline of your project is it just a presentation on diffrent drugs you know like the police do when they come into school.

Or is it more to do with the effects of drugs on society and that kind of lark, because im writing a essay on health promotion about ciigarettes you know effects of smoking both ggod and bad analysing area demographics to see who are more likely to smoke and why and implementing change to tackle smoking.

Its best to do a drug that you can easily get some official statittics on that way your referencs will be reliable.
trooper posted on Mar 12 2005 at 05:55 AM said:
caffeine ?. :rolleyes:

someone already is doing that :(

well we just have to do a poster and say the effects of the drugs and pick a society topic and see how it effects that group or soemthing
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Dozer posted on Mar 12 2005 at 03:10 PM said:
Maybe do dr. pepper, as your member title thingy suggests that's what you get your daily hit from at the moment?
lol then I would be doing caffine

and its Dr Pepper the period was removed in the 50s
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Steve-O posted on Mar 10 2005 at 01:29 PM said:
jegHegy posted on Mar 10 2005 at 03:00 PM said:
you're what, 14? don't do drugs yet, man.

he wants to know some drugs to Write about for a School project, He doesnt want to "Do Drugs" :P hehe

jegHegy posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:30 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Mar 12 2005 at 11:03 PM said:
the period was removed in the 50s
women can but wish.

I love you jegHegy
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jegHegy posted on Mar 10 2005 at 07:52 PM said:
PS: Klown, that's a letter "O" (MeO - Methoxy group), not a zero
You wanna go back into the box? HUH?

Demonstar: Do a psychadellic and portray them in a positive light. It'd be refreshing when compared to "DRUGS R BAD HEROIN :("
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What kind of idiot confuses the Methoxy group? I haven't been this amused since I found out that Godel's Incompleteness theorem renders a complete axiometric system unsuitable!