Sum 1 To Help Me Wiv Gigas

matt goode

Nov 30, 2004
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my game on gigas all i really need done is if sum 1 could pls convert the bmp's i make into raw as it is not possible for me to convert them (i have a mac, a shit mac). so any help would b very very very appreciated. as i sed all i need is sum1 to convert tilesets and entities for me to raw. thanks.[/FONT]
woogal posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
matt goode posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
i have a mac, a shit mac
No shit. Half its keys are missing and the other half have been mixed up.

thats not too helpful and a bit offensive :angry: thanks for that. is there any 1 hoo cld help? would b much appreciated? thanks
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Splinter posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:53 PM said:
Sure, i'd be happy to convert em, send ya stuff to


cheers splinter a great help
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matt goode posted on Mar 9 2005 at 04:54 PM said:
woogal posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
matt goode posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
i have a mac, a shit mac
No shit. Half its keys are missing and the other half have been mixed up.

thats not too helpful and a bit offensive :angry: thanks for that. is there any 1 hoo cld help? would b much appreciated? thanks

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matt goode posted on Mar 9 2005 at 10:54 PM said:
woogal posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
matt goode posted on Mar 9 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
i have a mac at a shit mac
No shit. Half its keys are missing and the other half have been mixed up.

thats not too helpful and a bit offensive :angry: thanks for that. is there any 1 hoo cld help? would b much appreciated? thanks

But it`s really funny!

And a typing style like yours is annoying... <_<

I mean why are you typing "hoo" instead of "who"? Are you to lazy to lift your fingers? <sarcasm>Or is it just 2b cool? B) </sarcasm>
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I must admit, it makes me wonder what kind of game you've written!! Does every line of dialogue read like a Prince song???

Only kidding though, I'm looking forward to seeing it. It'll B ace 2 C something written in Gigas.


why r u being such dicks ? does it matter how i type? why does it affect you in any way at all? ooh he didnt spell who right. why do you give a shit? :huh: jus dont bother postin if it has nothing to do with the topic.
come on guys leve him alone, he's trying to do us a favour making a game on gigas and all you lot do is complain, you should be thankful that he is trying to make a game. cut him some slack.
matt goode posted on Mar 10 2005 at 05:54 PM said:
why r u being such dicks ? does it matter how i type? why does it affect you in any way at all? ooh he didnt spell who right. why do you give a shit? :huh: jus dont bother postin if it has nothing to do with the topic.

It`s because not every single person here is a native english speaker, so it`s quite hard to figure out what you are trying to tell us. <_<

It`s not because something is spelled wrong or not, I mean who=3 letters and hoo=3 letters. You`re being a dick thinking everybody has to understand your slang...
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Quiest posted on Mar 10 2005 at 06:53 PM said:
matt goode posted on Mar 10 2005 at 05:54 PM said:
why r u being such dicks ? does it matter how i type? why does it affect you in any way at all? ooh he didnt spell who right. why do you give a shit? :huh:  jus dont bother postin if it has nothing to do with the topic.

It`s because not every single person here is a native english speaker, so it`s quite hard to figure out what you are trying to tell us. <_<

It`s not because something is spelled wrong or not, I mean who=3 letters and hoo=3 letters. You`re being a dick thinking everybody has to understand your slang...

just be quiet. your making a huge deal about it. somebody could of just said nicely at the start could you use full english please not everyone understands sland but instead you go maikin all these jokes which i didnt understand. so just leave it. ok?
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matt goode sounded stupid in his first post, plus he wrote in big red letters which made him sound double stupid.

witness the jokes: If it had been wriiten in proper english there would have been none of that.

there's a lesson here somewhere......
toxibunny posted on Mar 11 2005 at 07:58 AM said:
there's a lesson here somewhere......

The moral of the story is:
If a person doesn`t want to be treated like a dick, Don`t post like a dick. :P

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trooper posted on Mar 11 2005 at 10:48 AM said:
toxibunny posted on Mar 11 2005 at 07:58 AM said:
there's a lesson here somewhere......

The moral of the story is:
If a person doesn`t want to be treated like a dick, Don`t post like a dick. :P

look, you lot are being dicks now by going on about it. this is the first and only forum that i post on, i wasnt aware that you lot ganged up on people who type fast. just grow up, its not a big deal. so as i said leve it. whats the point in going on at me. i asked a question and so far only one person has given me a straight answer. fine one person said something at the beggining, i didnt have a problem with that but then you all come on and start having a go. whats the point? ive found out now that you dont like text language and ive stopped using it. why do you lot think your better than me. stop bein such immiture twats, oh and thanks for the help splinter :D
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its like im being gang raped by you all. i want toi make peace. please forgive me. and please dont bully me anymore. peace?