
Mar 29, 2003
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well shibby!

I've been enjoying the new snes emu all afternoon, playing megamanx, and stuff and then it suddenly dies.....
I mean like, i turned it off. I turn it on 30 minutes later, i go to game icon, it starts loading, and when its about to the tip where the icons appear, the korean says something about no data on the smc.

same thing with the gplink.... mebbe it was static... ><
dunno how to do that... i dont have a reader. In GP LINK even the files were gone. So i reformated, upped everything and there isnt any problems so far after 4 restarts. Everything loads fine. Im sure it was prolly static now
well in the future, go into the original firmware, go to the gplink thing, (connect the cable to your computer) and it should give the option to check the SMC for errors.
I've had exactly the same problem when using castaway (always when the GP32 resets itself). The SMC card just gets trashed, I assumed it was a problem with the card being accessed when it reset and a power spike wiping the data (just guessing, might not be possible). It's happened about four times now (in about eight weeks)... I just make sure I never use the file that caused it again.

Definitely not the batteries, it's happened with new batteries fresh in. I thought of that and retried the offending rom - same crash, same wiped card. Hey Ho. ;)
Flood was one of the ones that did it. It happened on the loader. I don't know which version (automation/medway etc) though.
I recently had a problem - sent snes9xgp to the smc, loaded it up, worked fine.

Then I rebooted...

Then where snes9xgp used to be was a blank icon (nothing drawn at all), random garbage characters. The program refused to load and the sequence of characters changed each reboot. Deleting and resending the file fixed it, but I haven't rebooted since...

I wonder if the snes emu has some bugs... :(

- Rico
I wonder if the snes emu has some bugs... :(
Mabye self destruct on illegal rom detection? How could that work, mabye when you press your fingers hard on the buttons it knows you are nervous that the police will come and get you so it knows that the rom is illegal :lol: