Which Companies Do You Wish Made Gp32 Games?


Jul 15, 2004
I was just wondering which companies everyone would like to see making games for GP32.

Personally, I'd love games from any of the following:


I know none of these developers would be willing to make games for the GP32 (Capcom, I'm looking at you), but imagine a King Of Fighters game made from the ground up for GP32 or even a port of KOF98!


Hm if it was the original SNK yes, but i hate playmore.

Konami, capcom, sega, taito are all good choices. Tecmo doesn't make many games I think???. Also Rockstar, Nippon Ichi, EA and Namco!
Tecmo made all the Dead Or aLive games, Ninja Gaiden, Project Zero (Fatal Frame to some of you
Not to mention countless games before this generation of consoles.

Regarding SNK, yeah, you're right, Playmore suck, but I love the old SNK, the people who made Last Blade 2, KOF98 and Samurai Shodown 4 are the ones I really respect.


Also, imagine Street Fighter Alpha GP, a port of Metal Black, an official Metal Gear, a new Sonic game, the possibilities are endless, it's just a shame the money isn't.
Yeah I knew they made dead or alive and Ninja gaiden, not a huge company. Nippon ichi does final fantasy tactics type games, like Disgae and I think they may have made FF tactics for PSone, not sure. A good little company ;)

Yeah I respect the old SNK for metal slug 1-3 and x as well as Kof. I can't stand Metal slug 4 and 5 or the GBA game.
Tecmo may not have made that many games recently, but the ones they have released (well, the ones I've played) have ALL been somewhere between good and amazing.

Project Zero alone makes me wish Tecmo would make GP32 games. A "pocket" version of that would be awesome in the right hands.


I was just thinking yesterday about what the GP32 "scene" would be like if there were a couple of good commercial developers that people were familiar with around.

I was just wondering which companies everyone would like to see making games for GP32.

Well... since we currently have zero...

trooper posted on Mar 5 2005 at 05:08 AM said:

Wasn't Psygnosis just bought out by Sony and just put into SCE? Great company they were, they made most of the best PS1 games :)
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They also made Lemmings!

Here's some more information:
Wikipedia said:
Psygnosis was acquired by Sony in 1993 to work on the new PlayStation machine, and in 1999 eventually lost the Psygnosis branding to become known as Sony Studio Liverpool.
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thanks for that :) they made wipeout "drool" as well as Monster trucks the best monster truck racing game ever. Also colony wars and plenty of other classics but my mind is fried. Wipeout Pure on PSP yay!
CAP - F'ING - COM!!!


well and Konami... yeah... they're damn great too. Those two alone would make the GP ohhhh so much more sweet.

I know this is prbably way old news, but wasn't Capcom planning games for the GP at some point? I seem to remember hear about this 1-2 years ago....
Which capcom games whould you like to see? I'm not familiar with ver many of their current apart from Viewtiful Joe, Resident evil and the street fighters...

I think it was Gamepark who bought the capcom licenses to create the games with their own dev teams.
Hmmm... well first I'll say, that fully 1/4 of the some 300+ games I actually own are capcom games... mostly shooters and 1 on 1 fighting games, also some platformers.

Well, I'll try to name a few, you already hit on some of the biggies, viewtiful joe, resident evil, anything street fighter, are always good. Can't forget Mega Man or Devil May Cry of course :) Final Fight is one of my favorite all time games. There are quite a few shooters some of which could probably be ported to the GP... Puzzle Fighter is sweet I dont know if you count that as street fighter. Capcom is just great in general for fast paced games, action games, whether they be shooter or fighter or platformer.

I guess in terms of what they could port to the GP... maybe not a WHOLE lot other than older stuff.... but to imagine what they could do fresh with it... ah man.