Crocodingus Beta Test


Feb 23, 2004
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Hi all,

It's not an official public release because I'm not finish all I want, but you can test the actual beta HERE

feedback are welcome :)

Want help ? Contact me :D

rabbits with hats posted on Feb 27 2005 at 04:57 PM said:
Nice! I love Crocodingus. Going along snapping apes backs...

very very nice ^^

i want a sound when croco is touched :P
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falken80 posted on Feb 27 2005 at 07:27 PM said:
rabbits with hats posted on Feb 27 2005 at 04:57 PM said:
Nice! I love Crocodingus. Going along snapping apes backs...

very very nice ^^

i want a sound when croco is touched :P

very very very nice!! - so quick - so much to explore - so much fun!

only the crocs reaction to baddies and spikes to sort - its really difficult to tell when youve been hit - or hit something - the croc should jump back a bit!!

this is sooo cool though - one of the best - cant wait till its fiished!!

respect! seriously I love this (nearly as much as b&B)

sPaCe :ph34r:
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I really like Crocodingus but to be completely honest I preferred the previous version when it comes to level design. I was expecting the previous version with added levels in which new enemies and different landscapes / floors would be introduced so the game would build up in difficulty.
What you have done now is make the first level a lot bigger and introduced a lot of new enemies right away (I don't know how big this level actually is or if there are more levels, I haven't explored it enough yet). That does make it new for those that have already played the previous version but also makes it a bit (too?) hard as a starting level in my opinion.
I'm glad Crocodingus now 'hits' enemies when he jumps from platforms but would still like to see a response when he walks into an enemy. And where did his earthingies go?
Okay, got the time to play it yesterday :)

All in all, this game could really become a REALLY good game :)

Now, onto my little conclusion:

Very good. Wouldn't want to change it :)

Needs definately some more sounds.
As said above, a sound for getting hit by an enemy would be fine (something like Turrican...?)

Nice chiptune, not annoying, but not very catchy. Doesn't have a clear theme.

Super Mario: Catchy tune, you won't get it ouf of your head once you heard it a few minutes.

Sonic: Not as catchy as Mario, but you definately recognize the music.

Crocodingus: Well... I couldn't remember the theme a few minutes after playing it.
In fact, a lot of fairly good Amiga Jump'n'Run games had this problem - console games mostly always had better themed music, that's why most people first think of consoles when talking about Jump'n'Runs...

Some more good examples (in my opinion):
Superfrog, Giana Sisters

Level Design:
Well... the last post already told you, I'm going to tell you again:

The level is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to huge.
Take any good Jump'n'Run you want - you will reach the end of the first level with your first try. I didn't even make it with my third try.
I also collected 50 bananas to buy the map - and saw it was MUCH too huge.
The map is larger as the ones from Turrican (and THIS is something I haven't seen before!)

It would be better to make smaller levels and more levels.

If you want to keep large levels: Mark the way from the start to the end very well.
Turrican has lots of Exit signs in the larger levels.
Superfrog, which also has large levels, also has exit signs.
This way, you can explore if you want, but don't do it, if you don't want.

BTW: In almost EVERY game you can finish each level in about 5 minutes (if you know where you need to go and run straight from the start to the exit).
I don't think that's possible in the first map of Crocodingus, is it...?

Also, it's really hard to get 50 bananas to buy a map, almost impossible to get enough to buy the rest... and we're talking about Level 1 here...

So, basically:
Either make the levels smaller or lead the "non-explorative" player clearly from the beginning to the end.

Basically very good, some minor flaws in my opinion:

- Why don't you die when your energy runs out? You lose one life after another without even noticing... until it's Game Over

- Why can't I jump on top of the birds? Doesn't make sense for me...?

- More Energy refills would be nice... you die pretty fast.

- Also: Make it easier to get some shooting equipment. Really annoying in the first level is, that there are quite a few places too low to jump on the enemies, but you don't have anything to shoot at that time...

- You have the feeling, nothing happens if you collect a star.
Is this right or do stars open new ways, let doors appear, etc.?
If this is the case, a star should at least make some sounds (rumbling when a new way opens, a different sound when a door appears, etc.).
At the moment, it feels like it is the less needed item in the whole game.

Well, basically, that's it.
I hope you don't hate me now - I don't want to sound rude, and as I said, it's already PRETTY impressive for a first release (in my opinion, better than Super Plusha, which, btw. also suffers from large levels, so I never played further than to Level 2...)

But as you asked here for opinions, I wrote down everything that came into my mind - please see this as constructive criticism and not a destructive comment.

PLEASE keep up the good work :) I'd really like to see this cool game finished!
Nice :) , its very welcome since I have beaten the old one 5 times and was silently begging for more! :D But keep the hard levels, they have a purpose. But it isn't exactly fitting for level number 1. And I think I speak for everyone when I say, "ouch sound effect for Croco, please!". :) gp32_console

EDIT: Whats that screen that comes up when you press L? It says "CARTE LEVEL 1" even though its in english mode. And its just blank. But my guess is its the map viewer since "carte" means map.

EDIT2: I reread Evildragon's post. And that confirms it is the map screen. But there is still the language bug for it.

But thats ok. :)
thk you for your feed back :)

I put in my todo of Croco:
-forgot translation of "CARTE LEVEL XX"
-add a sound when croco touch any bad object or ennemy
-reduce the size of level map (but bigger than adic version)
-when croco died, add a restart system

In general
If someone are interesting to help, you re welcome :rolleyes:
Evildragon told: put a theme for music, ok but it's difficult to find ... I'll change (or add) the actual music only if someone find some good Mod. I've the same pb for sample ... my sample database is very little :)
Does anobody have some idea and motivation to build to level ? ok you're welcome :)

I hope to finish this game one day (and this year too :D ) but it take me lot of free time.

JyCet posted on Mar 3 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
thk you for your feed back :)

I put in my todo of Croco:
-forgot translation of "CARTE LEVEL XX"
-add a sound when croco touch any bad object or ennemy
-reduce the size of level map (but bigger than adic version)
-when croco died, add a restart system

In general
If someone are interesting to help, you re welcome :rolleyes:
Evildragon told: put a theme for music, ok but it's difficult to find ... I'll change (or add) the actual music only if someone find some good Mod. I've the same pb for sample ... my sample database is very little :)
Does anobody have some idea and motivation to build to level ? ok you're welcome :)

I hope to finish this game one day (and this year too :D ) but it take me lot of free time.


Cant wait JYCET!

Instead of a sound it would be better if croc would bounce off from the enemy/obstacle - this would indicate that its taking energy beter thab the red thing - kind of like when you hit a bad guy on sonic and you loose rings

for me this is essential before tightening the sound track.

BUT - regardless of that - this game and mame - could sell a shed load of GP32's (its the reason my girlfreind wants one!)

I would say crocodingus is the nearest thing we have to a system mascott!!!

t-shirts anyone!

sPaCe :ph34r:
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Hi there,

I love the game, didn't try the ADIC version and was
surprissed how "high - quality" this game seems to become.

- Handling: great, feels spot on, very good!
- Graphics: Clean, colorful, soft parallax-scrolling
- Music Quality: very clear, no crackling, fine

What I would work on:
- Respawing after death
- Invulnarability for a short time after loosing a life, maybe with
with some kind of flashing animation
- OR: Invulnarability for a short moment after contact with
a bad object
- After contact with a bad object maybe the player sprite can
be thrown back a short distance to accentuate the damage taken
- More items to regain health
- Smaller levels
- Birds should be able to be jumped on and killed that way
- Sampling rate of the "Game Over" music seems to be higher
than the ingame music
- The gorillas should more sound like roaring when beeing jumped on
- The map screen should pop up more quickly
- Maybe a few more standbye animations when player is not
moving, something like shutting the eyes or moving the feet

I actually like the music, but it won't stay in your mind, that's
right. But it is not annoying. I can imagine it is tough to choose
the right music.

So, keep going. You have a really great thing in the making!

CeNTauR2 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 05:21 PM said:
Hi there at

I love the game at didn't try the ADIC version and was
surprissed how "high - quality" this game seems to become.

- Handling: great, feels spot on, very good!
- Graphics: Clean, colorful, soft parallax-scrolling
- Music Quality: very clear, no crackling, fine

What I would work on:
- Respawing after death
- Invulnarability for a short time after loosing a life, maybe with
with some kind of flashing animation
- OR: Invulnarability for a short moment after contact with
a bad object
- After contact with a bad object maybe the player sprite can
be thrown back a short distance to accentuate the damage taken
- More items to regain health
- Smaller levels
- Birds should be able to be jumped on and killed that way
- Sampling rate of the "Game Over" music seems to be higher
than the ingame music
- The gorillas should more sound like roaring when beeing jumped on
- The map screen should pop up more quickly
- Maybe a few more standbye animations when player is not
moving, something like shutting the eyes or moving the feet

I actually like the music, but it won't stay in your mind, that's
right. But it is not annoying. I can imagine it is tough to choose
the right music.

So, keep going. You have a really great thing in the making!


thats what I wanted to say! :ph34r:
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I think huge levels are ok, they're just not meant for level one. So there should still be huge levels, just a little more near the middle or end.
Blah posted on Mar 4 2005 at 10:32 PM said:
I think huge levels are ok, they're just not meant for level one. So there should still be huge levels, just a little more near the middle or end.
Agreed (well, I don't know if they should be huge but certainly big) the first level(s) should give you time to get used to the character, movement and objectives. After that new baddies should be introduced and there should be more obstacles: harder to find your way out, more baddies and challenges in the landscape like slippery floors or no floors.
By the way: I don't think the map you can buy is really helpfull it's too small (IMO) to help you find your way through the level.
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