How about doing a GP32 equivalent of the old ST/Amiga disk mags ??
People could submit articles, code, programming help, Q&A's, etc etc...
I really enjoyed the old disk mags of yester year.
Always full of interesting stuff they were.

Doesnt need to be just GP32 stuff, it could be articles about anything...
I'd program it myself but i'm not good enough yet...
But i'd certainly like to take part if someone does use the idea...
It'd be really handy for people on the move who take their GP's with them on buses/trains etc...
People could submit articles, code, programming help, Q&A's, etc etc...
I really enjoyed the old disk mags of yester year.
Always full of interesting stuff they were.
Doesnt need to be just GP32 stuff, it could be articles about anything...
I'd program it myself but i'm not good enough yet...
But i'd certainly like to take part if someone does use the idea...
It'd be really handy for people on the move who take their GP's with them on buses/trains etc...