Four months after the gbax compo we are proud to release xump v1.0 
XUMP is a puzzle game for the GP32 by Psilocybin Development. The
game is simple but will keep you busy for hours, and thats a promise!
New in this version:
26-02-2005, v1.00
* Partitially new graphics
* More levels! (Previous 26 now 34)
* Added a simple funky-disco-dot effect to the previous empty background
* Passwords are different to v0.90
* Smaller changes and fixes
Feedback and comments are welcome!
gp32_console Download: PDRoms
XUMP is a puzzle game for the GP32 by Psilocybin Development. The
game is simple but will keep you busy for hours, and thats a promise!
New in this version:
26-02-2005, v1.00
* Partitially new graphics
* More levels! (Previous 26 now 34)
* Added a simple funky-disco-dot effect to the previous empty background
* Passwords are different to v0.90
* Smaller changes and fixes
Feedback and comments are welcome!
gp32_console Download: PDRoms