Rather Personal Medical Advice Needed.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
er... this is a bit embarassing and I can't go to the doctor untill tomarrow or so.... soooooo I need to know if I need to head to the ER immediately or to just calm down and take it easy...

Before I ask it, I need to know about the limits of discussion on the boards. Is talk of anatomy forbidden?
Ok, the question... (You can laugh if you want, laughing at yourself sometimes eases the tension)

My right testicle (Yes, testicle) has been haveing slight dull pains in it, and it appears to be slightly higher than the other one.... buuut it quits hurting for a while and there is no sharp pain or pain that leads up into my abdomen (at least not far). I thought it was torsion but there is no swelling, sharp pain, or discoloration... I DID however bump it a bit too hard after dropping something though, but it's been like this for about two days.

Should I phone the ER or should I just wait to go to the clinic? Or am I paranoid and just need to relax for a while and take it easy?

Why I ask you guys? Most of the users on the GP32 forums are older (and mostly more mature :lol:) people who probably have had a scare like this sometime in their life or so, Besides. I don't want to wait to go to the doctor tomarrow and have it be too late ya know...
It's probably just bruising, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Go to the clinic if it eases your mind though.
Thanks, Normally I don't stress over these things (never got a stitch in my life for a single injury, just let it heal) but the idea of losing some of the "equiptment" is enough to scare anyone.
one testicle is spose to be higher than the other

it stops them whacking each other when u close ure legs

doesnt always work, as i demonstarted in tutor today when i closed my legs quickly

the pain i dont know about, but if its discomfort (that feeling that somethings not quite right, makes ure stomach churn) rather than stinging pain (normal bruising) then uve just taken a hit
It's really just a dull pain focused in the right side, I got a slight "Stomach churny" feeling going, but two days in a row seems a bit excessive.

Thanks for the advice/info so far.
I had that a few months back. It's just a knotted muscle (the tissue that connects the testicle) I didn't bother with the doctors, it just went after a couple of weeks but comes back now and again. Technically it's not knotted but just gathered up in one place, thus the higher part, it adds strain to the testicle itself but nothing major.
You may aswell see the doctor about it, but mines usually due to excessive amounts of stress.
Ah.... so it can be stress related? That would explain things a bit more :huh:

(has had two panic attacks recently, and is under alot of pressure from family, friends, and so on.)
If it's just a light pain, there shouldn't be anything to worry about.
If it gets stronger, you should consider a doctor.

It CAN be stress related... but nobody can tell you this, as stress behaves very differently on everyone...
Got it, thanks for the assist everyone. (Pain has stopped by the way) So I think I have nothing to worry about.
Ok crisis over, went to the hosp and they said I had an infection there, Got a shot with some painkillers in it and got a perscription for antibiotics, everything's gonna be cool now.
Nova posted on Feb 23 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 09:26 PM said:
ps me first and the gimme gimmes are fun

yeah and their cover of phantom of the opera rocked so hard my socks were physically blown off my feet :P
haven't heard that but I know Darkbuster did a cover of it too when I went to their show
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had a similar thing last year when i changed my car, aparently its common for a person to get aches and pains when they have changed thier car due to a new driving position.

have you got a new car or started to sit differently?
Ok new problem, the friggin lodine (lodin?) crap they gave me dilated my eyes and now i'm all sensitive to light and shit and I just found a MASS list of possible side effects (none of which are cool)


Hopefully this will pass when it burns out of my system. :angry: