Help W/ 2 Programs


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
well on GPDoom I got everything it said on drummaster's site and it jsut told me I didn't have any WADs I put them in game\doom

OpenSNES9xGP when I go to load a game it goes to the loading screen and just gets stuck and the bar and text changes to what it shouldn't be

I've tryed reformating

Im also using EuroFW and I got a FLU
DemonStar55 posted on Feb 21 2005 at 10:33 PM said:
well on GPDoom I got everything it said on drummaster's site and it jsut told me I didn't have any WADs I put them in game\doom

Do you have the shareware version, or full commercial version of doom.wad ? (you need this also in the GAME/DOOM folder)

OpenSNES9xGP when I go to load a game it goes to the loading screen and just gets stuck and the bar and text changes to what it shouldn't be

Are your ROMS in the SNES folder?
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Yeah, try your basic Super Mario World first. And make sure it's... "Super Mario World [!]" or similar, with the... exlamation mark. I think that means good dump.
Also, are you sure you don't overclock OSNES too much? :o
welll they all use to work so Im sure their compatible its just after I had to reformate(one of the files got currupted) and I just backed them all up and put them back on and they didn't work and Im not sure about doom
Did you try downloading the roms again? Maybe they got corrupted...
Well, it also may be overclocking/low batteries.
Or maybe your smc is heavily damaged. Did you try other emus/games on it?
What fw are you using, if you have pacrom, did you try scanning for bad blocks?
If you have a cardreader, then try scandisk (or similar prog)...
I scanned for bad blocks w/ the EuroFW didn't find any I don't think the roms are currupted I will go try them on a PC emu yeha they work in ZSNES but n ot in the gp32

I really want this to work becuase that was one of the main reasons I got it well for NES but theyn I realized the SNES isn't that slow and it was awesome but it is angering me

and I also want doom to work because its fun to show off doom because most ppl will be impressed well they have been when i had it on thier when i first got it

its EuroFW 1.6.6

on OpenSNES when loading a game the bar is bold and purple and the font is bold and orange
dunno. try retransferring Osnes9xGP and your ROMS, making sure the zip files are ok and don't have anything extra in them (like text files or whatever)