Wanna Be Programmer
I hope you all realize that was an old joke from last christmas...
Blah posted on Mar 3 2005 at 03:59 PM said:I hope you all realize that was an old joke from last christmas...
Jarska333 said:Hey hey, if it comes out next christmas, I'm happy. biggrin.gif
Mr. Reesy Sah said:Next Christmas it is then.
Jarska666 said:Yay! Only 353 days to go... rolleyes.gif
shinneri posted on Mar 13 2005 at 10:08 PM said:*gasp*
Just tried out Beta 7 that just arrived. Reesy, you are amazing! In all the games that I've tried so far, the sound issue is gone, and the fixing of the 'sonic in front of the logo bug has led to Sonic Spinball working MUCH better (EDIT: but things--barrel in first level and warp holes--still stick on the screen).
I know this is a nit-picky little complaint, but it would be nice if after deleting a rom, it should return to the MAIN MENU and not the delete rom menu again because I accidently deleted a game from my SMC after thinking I was clicking to play it. But the Delete function is very appreciated nonetheless.![]()
I'll test some more and report about it soon.
EDIT: Music that used to work in Ecco doesn't at all. Might just be my ROM; can someone confirm this? Also, no music in Ren & Stimpy:Stimpy Invention. I'll test more later.
0-bake posted on Mar 13 2005 at 08:20 PM said:are these new updates "just" quality optimizations, or are there compatibility changes as well? (landstalker, dune....)
and another thing, i don't understand is, why are some games in fullscreen and some games not?
i mean, the games where supposed to run on a TV, so either the fullscreen or the non-fullscreen games must be stretched to fit a TV screen. because i cant remeber that any game on real hardware were not fullscreen on a TV.
Reesy posted on Mar 14 2005 at 12:53 AM said:@spaceboygp32x: Yeah I've been playing with different cpu settings, I must have forgotten to change the code back to the original setting for 156Mhz. I'll fix this for v2.0, thanks.
@0-bake: The Genesis has loads of different screen sizes
320x224 - this is the most common one I find
I've got a PAL megadrive and it still have a border top and bottom so it was never truly full screen.