!!!help With My Card Reader!!!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2005
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gp32_console Ok i just baught a card reader from ebay and i put my smc in the slot and a window comes up with the files of whats on the smc BUT when i try to put games or even anything it says that theres a copywrite protection which there isnt because when i used to use my link and gp32 it worked finely before i by accedently set windups as my front page on the actual gp32 not the smc and then later reformated it and there was no pclink on the smc/gp32 so i then later went on ebay to buy one and now i dont no what to DO.gp32_console

Help me plz cause im ssoo annoyed!!!
omg this must be the longest sentence that i've ever read without interpunction and all do you have that round silver sticker on your smc because that's the write protection if so remove it
aaaaarg someone seems to keep stealing capital letters and interpunctions from this board please help its driving me mad
Quiest posted on Feb 15 2005 at 10:27 AM said:
aaaaarg someone seems to keep stealing capital letters and interpunctions from this board please help its driving me mad

It seems to be an epidemic of sorts. I feel that I should be giving to a charity or something to get them back. :P not really, people are just to lazy to type normal.
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KickinWing posted on Feb 15 2005 at 05:37 PM said:
Quiest posted on Feb 15 2005 at 10:27 AM said:
aaaaarg someone seems to keep stealing capital letters and interpunctions from this board please help its driving me mad

It seems to be an epidemic of sorts. I feel that I should be giving to a charity or something to get them back. :P not really, people are just to lazy to type normal.

Yeah!, But i think you have to be normal to achieve that. :P

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