Gp32 Is Famous


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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In a conversation I had recently with a friend we discovered something pretty damn cool. In the latest version of Trillian it defines possibly unknown words, you get an explanation if you mouseover them, anyway here's what it said for the GP32:

I just thought that the explanation was quite amazing and I thought I'd share it with you. Has anyone else found anything cool and unexpected like this?

Does anyone still have the FHM issue? They sent me it but I can't find it, i'm busy scanning in all GP32 appearences in magazines.

I think FHM was a pretty good one, I remember being really pleased with it as i set up the GP32 for them with emus, doom and simpsons episodes.

A scan of it would be really nice ->

It looks like trillian just uses wikipedia for it's definitions. As wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is editable by all it's not suprising that it contains a gp32 entry. The entry was first created by Taras in Apr '03 if anyone is interested.
It looks like trillian just uses wikipedia for it's definitions. As wikipedia is a free encyclopedia that is editable by all it's not suprising that it contains a gp32 entry. The entry was first created by Taras in Apr '03 if anyone is interested.
I knew it was linked to an online database of some kind, nice to see that the definition was done by someone who knows their stuff! :D
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it says wikipedia on the definitions,
anyways, GP32 has appeared in every issue of Retrogamer
*wave* see. not just a pretty face

btw love the "GP32 Windups - alternative OS" entry in that O'Reilly book, they obviously really did their research there... (the whole "hacks" series is hilarious, written for the most part by people who seem to think knowing how, for example, to search google by domain using site:uk is a hack (?!) )/rant
The wikipedia feature of the new Trillian is indeed neat - I've been annoying my friends with it recently (OH MY GOD, I can't believe this thing knows about...). If you're still stuck on MSN I can highly recommend the new version of trillian, especially if you're juggling AIM or ICQ accounts.
it says wikipedia on the definitions,
anyways, GP32 has appeared in every issue of Retrogamer
Yes, But as an advertisment....

However, The GP32 was described as a "concurrent of the GBA" (along with the nGage) in one of the october 2003 issues of the (well read) german "Spiegel" magazine, because Konami planned to release it in Germany... I discovered the GP32 in this very magazine and fell instantly in love with it (and was very disappointed when the german release was cancelled). Everything i can remember of this entry is that the GP32 has Audio/Video playback, lots of freeware and uses SMC cards. That seemed to be quite impressive to me :lol: :lol: :lol: ...
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I learned about the GP32 after one of my online friends got one and simply would NOT shut up about it in IRC. :P So I checked it out, learned what it could do, found this site and the games and stuff I could get (mostly emulators, but that's because this was in the ages of the FLU :D). I was kinda hesitant to get it at first, because I didn't know if it was going to be a thing where I play it a few times, and then get bored of it and it just sits. But I convinced myself to get one, and I did. It came a week later, and I was given the opportunity to test it out. I did have to give it back, because it was going to be my christmas present. I really like my GP32, because since it has a 75% homebrew base, there's new stuff for it all the time. I'm just glad the homebrews are free. ;)
The only thing I don't like is that no one knows what a GP32 is (or gamepark for that matter) where I am, so I haven't been able to do dorky stuff like trade games, and do multiplayer (I don't even have an RF cable. This is before the RF thing was bundled with the GP32. :P).
Also, the GP32 is great since I want to be a game programmer. This is the perfect thing to practice C/C++ with. :D