Gpq+ :o

the best thing is the end of the flash movie. it says COMING SOON, and a few seconds later it says Never with a ^ point above it so it looks like NEVER COMING SOON lol :P
Gamepark are some weird folks, i cannot understand how they can stay in business with the stuff they do. First it was the reviews of their games in their new pay for download section bashing the game, and now they are advertising a new thing only for it to never be released. Funny stuff. I wish i could read korean to find out what all that crap at the bottom says.
The music it's Jump of VanHalen, so cool music !

*MEEEEEP* Wrong! ;)

As Jekyll said correctly, it's 'Ain't talking 'bout dub' by Apollo 440. But, you're right to some small extend, the guitar riff is a slightly pitched sample from 'Ain't talking 'bout love' by Van Halen. ;)

Sorry, music nut myself. ;)
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it's not just a media player, it's a new handheld too... that's an astonishia story 2 cartridge in the top pic. maybe they're touting for investors?

edit. nah, it's just a joke, innit?
Judging by the URL, it looks like something the community did. If only Gamepark took their community's advice. :rolleyes:
That's what I've been thinking.

Does anyone like the looks of it? I love the idea of a rotating screen so that you could have it facing you on a train or something...
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whats the difference if it rotates? If you have it sitting on something it still takes up the same amount of space rotated forward or backwards.
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Let me put it this way... I would buy it in a second.
I couldn't agree more, that would be the most awesome handheld ever created. A little screen on the side so one could listen to music without wasting batteries on the big screen, awesome firmware, 3D, and that shape is sooo cool.

Only problem I see is the very odd controls inside.

But alas, I have a feeling this will never come out. :(
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i hope none of you are serious. the person who made the flash animation clearly wasn't... so obviously fake...
its about as impressive as that flash movie that came out when the PSP was first talked about that had all this stuff moving around and popping out of everywhere.