Bolcataxian (v1.0)

Nice review, and I largely agree.

If *I* were being nit picking, I'd say I disagree with your comments about the title screen - it looks great to me, and uses (from memory) the same or similar colour scheme and font to the original Galaxian - a very nice touch :)

JBB here.
Yep, more levels to come... as soon as I find the time.

The logo is indeed questionable, but I had to copycat the original GALAXIAN one, just like I did with BOLCATOID... silly names I know featuring half my last name, and half a classic, for fun.

The game color palette (and small font) is definitely geared more for BLU screens (my unit), kind of working on FLU, but probably not contrasty enough for non lit GP32s. Sorry if you hurt your eyes! This said I made sure the bullets and enemies were noticeable enough to not disrupt gameplay.

Glad you all seem to enjoy my program. I am still in the process of trying to fix the vblank issues on BLU+; proving trickier than I originally thought as I am using the normal SDK, which SHOULD be fine.

All the best, long life to the GP32 N/FL/B/BLU+!
Well, I've played through all 5 levels now; my final score was something low like 1655000. :P

I have to say I was a little surprized that there was no final megaboss. Mind you, the final battle was still plenty difficult enough... ;)
i managed to get right through without dieing by the end i had a constant bezerk like attaack becuase everytime i waited to get the ALL UP powerup so it became quite easy a bit to quikly i think.

(mabye im just damn good at it though :P ;) ) but probably not
Bolcataxian is the best ADIC2004 entry in my opinion.

Thank you JBB for this very good (the best on GP32) shoot-em-up !
I hope you win the first price at ADIC !

i managed to get right through without dieing by the end i had a constant bezerk like attaack becuase everytime i waited to get the ALL UP powerup so it became quite easy a bit to quikly i think.

(mabye im just damn good at it though :P ;) ) but probably not

yep, it seems repeatedly getting the 'all up' is the best tactic. now go for score.

my top's 1715050 ATM...
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JBB here.
Yep, more levels to come... as soon as I find the time.

The logo is indeed questionable, but I had to copycat the original GALAXIAN one, just like I did with BOLCATOID... silly names I know featuring half my last name, and half a classic, for fun.

The game color palette (and small font) is definitely geared more for BLU screens (my unit), kind of working on FLU, but probably not contrasty enough for non lit GP32s. Sorry if you hurt your eyes! This said I made sure the bullets and enemies were noticeable enough to not disrupt gameplay.

Glad you all seem to enjoy my program. I am still in the process of trying to fix the vblank issues on BLU+; proving trickier than I originally thought as I am using the normal SDK, which SHOULD be fine.

All the best, long life to the GP32 N/FL/B/BLU+!

It looks great on my BLU. There is one small thing that I think would be a bit better and that is to make the scrolling foreground a bit brighter so it stands out more and gives the illusion that it is closer. The background should remain darker as it is now.

Other than that it is great.
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suggestion to JBB: how about making those icons on the top right be the same colour as the powerups for them? I keep forgetting which powerup is for lives and which is for loops (red/blue/green? :wacko: )
little yellow spaceship canister for extra lives... erm... *not* the electrical spark for loops... (the electrical spark is a smartbomb)
Hey JBB, since you are into making some cool clasic type games, ever thought of a GP32 remake of "Tempest 2000" someday, I think that would be pretty cool on the GP32. The particle effects in Bolcataxian kind of reminded me of that game.