Memory Storage On Smart Media Card


Still Fresh
Jan 15, 2005
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I've recently tried installing GPwar onto an SMC using the GP32 Manager. Doing so, I encountered a couple of anomalies:

1) I can not copy a directory to the memory card, the GP32 Manager keeps complaining about a space in the filename, even though there aren't any in the directory name or its' files.

2) All files seem to take up a minimum of around 8KB, even though they may be just a few bytes in size. Is this normal behaviour for SMC (like Windows needs a minimum of 1KB) or can it be countered using some sort of defrag software?

I have one of the new BLU+ machines. Any and all help gratefully received.

GP Manager is dodgy. </understatement>

The best solution, IMHO, it to get a cheap card reader. I got one from GBAX.COM with my BLU- gp32_console

Simple drag & drop functionality, without concern about that damn 8-character file name limit. Bastards.
1) gpmanager returns an error for me when any folder in the path has a space- ie it won't let me copy *anything* from C:/my documents/whatever because 'my documents' has a space in. try making a directory called C:/gp32 and put all your stuff to be transferred into there...

plus gpmanager is terrible anyway. put GPDRIVE by squidge onto your SMC and use that for file transfer instead (it makes your computer see the gp32 as a usb drive) remember to press select when you're all finished using gpdrive though. (gpdrive is in the beta testing board somewhere, for some reason)

2) I dunno. It's probably due to the FAT12 filesystem that the GP uses. there's nothing you can do about this, I reckon.

hope this helps.
I've recently tried installing GPwar onto an SMC using the GP32 Manager. Doing so, I encountered a couple of anomalies:

1) I can not copy a directory to the memory card, the GP32 Manager keeps complaining about a space in the filename, even though there aren't any in the directory name or its' files.

2) All files seem to take up a minimum of around 8KB, even though they may be just a few bytes in size. Is this normal behaviour for SMC (like Windows needs a minimum of 1KB) or can it be countered using some sort of defrag software?

I have one of the new BLU+ machines. Any and all help gratefully received.


Two words:


full stop.
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you probably know this already, but also be sure that any file you try to transfer is named in 8.3 convention, in other words, the filename must be less than 8 letters long, this applies to folders too. The file transfer software is a pain in the ass, a card reader is DEFINATELY a worthwile $20 spent.
Get Slubman's firmware with gpdrive, this ia a brilliant program!
Turn on the GP32 (after you've flashed) select "PC-Link" then stick in the USB cable, the computer regonises your GP32 as a seperate hardrive, drag and drop or copy and paste the stuff onto the SMC and press select when finished. It's great!
There is a program called GPdrive by squidge I cannot vouch for it myself, and apart from not being built into the firmware alledgidly works with windows98 + Linux too. and is just a fxe. And will allow you to try the newer firmware which is sppently blu+ compatable
Thanx for the replies.

I did receive a free cardreader when I ordered my GP32 from GBAX. I didn't install it because my installation of Win98 is a bit flaky.

Looks like I'm going to have to bite the bullet and install it if I want to retain my sanity ;)

Thanks again,