Help Pc-link


Still Fresh
Jan 2, 2004
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I just got my flu gp32 fro lik-sang (for £69.99 ), I have installed the driver and it works although i cant connect it via pc link or GP32 manager. As a result I have only the official firmware. The Pc-link on is in Korean (or comes up with numbers dashes etc (so i presume i dont have the korean patch installed). This isnt the case with manager although i think it is severely bugged. I would be greatful if someone could provide me with a link to a english pc-linker (software) and how i could reflash it? cheers!

(not sure if i cant request on this forum, if not I apoligise)

i posted this earlier...... but it isnt showing on the forums.....werid (sorry if it pops up later)

i keep getting tome-out errors on pc-linker (i now have an english version)
Use GP Drive, Then your gp32_console works like a USB Drive (if u manage to get it on your SMC) or, better still, use a cardreader. PC link is crap, it corrupts files bigger than 5 MB and is awful slow.
card readers are cheap on ebay and its the best couple of bucks that i've spent to use with my GP32, alot faster and easier to transfer stuff.
i need pc link to install free-launcher. The version on the official site is somehow corrupt, i got another version off a mate and it works now :D

my card reader is built into my pc...... so i will use that for files, but i cant reflash with it ;)
you don't need pc link to flash your firmware, just transfer the files you need from the card reader and run the flash program. Also, the firmware can also be transferred from the card reader to your SMC, pc link has nothing to do with flashing your firmware and is not needed to flash.