Doom Questions... Craig?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Hey Craig... any chance on getting a BLU + compatible version of V10 any time soon?

Also, or I should say, if not, you had mentioned in another thread that you had a version of Doom V8 that ran fine without the sound bugs I was having... but never got back to me? Any chance on getting this from you?
Now we are talking about Doom, if you don't know where find mod, just go there : i think it is the best you can find.
greven posted on Dec 27 2004 at 10:55 PM said:
Now we are talking about Doom, if you don't know where find mod, just go there : i think it is the best you can find.
anyway, you asked this before, just be paitient
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I don't have gcc set up on this machine, but i'll get round to it when i have some time.

The source code is available if someone else wants to edit it.

craigix posted on Dec 27 2004 at 11:57 PM said:
I don't have gcc set up on this machine, but i'll get round to it when i have some time.

The source code is available if someone else wants to edit it.


Where is this source at? Is it on a certain website?

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I was wondering this as well, about the source code. I might be willing to take a shot at editing it myself, though I've NO idea what I"m doing. The GP is inspiring me to learn how to do some of this stuff myself. Well the details on what to change in the program are listed, as far as back porch left porch or whatever :P thinking it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

But anyways, even if I'm not able personally, I"m sure if we knew where the source could be had someone here with more knowledge than I would be happy to fix it in a snap. Maybe Dave :D
bast525 posted on Dec 28 2004 at 05:55 AM said:
I was wondering this as well, about the source code. I might be willing to take a shot at editing it myself, though I've NO idea what I"m doing. The GP is inspiring me to learn how to do some of this stuff myself. Well the details on what to change in the program are listed, as far as back porch left porch or whatever :P thinking it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

It should be easy. From Mr. Mirko's last changelog:

"If you suffer from a "faulty" BLU+, use gp_initFramebufferBP, instead of gp_initFramebuffer."

So basically, if you have the latest SDK installed, search for gp_initFramebuffer, replace it with gp_initFramebufferBP and recompile.
That should do it.

A couple of minutes if you have the sourcecode and a working gcc environment (I don't have it, since I'm no coder :/)
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Doom doesn't use Mirkos sdk. Even so, it's still quite a simple fix so changing the code shouldn't take more than a minute or two. Setting up a dev environment to compile someone elses code is always the hard part ;)
EvilDragon posted on Dec 28 2004 at 03:19 PM said:
bast525 posted on Dec 28 2004 at 05:55 AM said:
I was wondering this as well, about the source code. I might be willing to take a shot at editing it myself, though I've NO idea what I"m doing. The GP is inspiring me to learn how to do some of this stuff myself. Well the details on what to change in the program are listed, as far as back porch left porch or whatever  :P  thinking it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

It should be easy. From Mr. Mirko's last changelog:

"If you suffer from a "faulty" BLU+, use gp_initFramebufferBP, instead of gp_initFramebuffer."

So basically, if you have the latest SDK installed, search for gp_initFramebuffer, replace it with gp_initFramebufferBP and recompile.
That should do it.

A couple of minutes if you have the sourcecode and a working gcc environment (I don't have it, since I'm no coder :/)

Can't anyone get GCC though? you could always install it and then hack around with the source right?

Craig, maybe you could put a link to the latest source in your post? Im sure someone would fix it then. Thanks.
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see this is why I don't mind asking the 'stupid' questions... I know it's something that's probably on lots of peoples minds or is a kinda common sense question, but posting such an obvious question at least gets people talking about it and maybe helps to get it out there, you know? Yeah I did ask this one before but didn't get any replies last time.

any news on this at all? can we get the source out or something pleeeeeeeeeease?

come on Craig you're still selling BLU +'s surely you want your newest customers to be able to enjoy the greatness that is doom v10....
I have e-mailed him for the source but he never replied. So he does say that he will give out the source but I haven't had any luck getting it. Maybe someone else will have better luck. It would be a good thing if it was posted somewhere so that an ambitious coder could get at it to fix it.

Good luck.
Come on Craig we know you hang out here just about every day :P let's have the source so all us BLU + people can get on with our Doom 64 already!

hey, has anyone else tried the Doom 64 WAD on the PC and then tried it in V10 of GP doom? for some reason I get a different level when I first start on the GP then when I play on the PC.
Come on Craig we know you hang out here just about every day  :P  let's have the source so all us BLU + people can get on with our Doom 64 already!

hey, has anyone else tried the Doom 64 WAD on the PC and then tried it in V10 of GP doom? for some reason I get a different level when I first start on the GP then when I play on the PC.

We need to get one of the 1337 coders to ask. I e-mailed him for it and he just ignored me, so I guess that meant no. So if you are 1337 maybe you will have better luck? That would be nice.
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"Dear Mr Craix, I'm the 733t coder known by the name... uh, Rhyel. I'd surely like to take a look at the sourcecode of Doom, so I could do some coding stuff to it. Plz send it to

You roxxorz!"

seriously, this is no joking matter. Craig being a seller of GP32's (all currently BLU+'s) and Doom still being one of the bigger draws to the GP (at least it was for me?) he should have an interest in what is, essentially, a very easy fix. Either to fix it himself or let any of the numerous coders who hang out around here regularly take a crack at it.