Gbax Has Psp


PSP pwner
Mar 9, 2004
Southampton/Ashley Green
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clues in the title

i thought about it, this xmas has been a rather dull one in that now i'm at uni; no-one, bar my girlfriend, gets me gifts, they just hand over the money. so i'm rather flush and could readily afford it.

but then i just think that as they've roughly stated a 25th march release in europe, the US version is bound to be out before then, and i plan on picking up one of those.
Id rather have a PS2, all I use portable consoles for (gp32) is mp3s... even when I go away I prefer to socialise. And PS2 is more comfy, you say u can play a psp in bed but it hurts either my neck or my sholder/ ribs!
spray posted on Dec 26 2004 at 08:03 PM said:
clues in the title

i thought about it, this xmas has been a rather dull one in that now i'm at uni; no-one, bar my girlfriend, gets me gifts, they just hand over the money. so i'm rather flush and could readily afford it.

but then i just think that as they've roughly stated a 25th march release in europe, the US version is bound to be out before then, and i plan on picking up one of those.

I would wait until they get the problems sorted like dead pixels, dust, bubbly LCDs etc. Sony's first launched usually have problems. Remember the dodgy Jap PS2s?
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true, also if i get it from a UK retailer then if i get dead pixels then i can (hopefully) return it.

been compiling a list of the games i wanna get, thus far it includes:

Tiger Woods PGA
Tony Hawks Underground 2
Need For Speed Underground
Death Jr.
Dynasty Warriors
Vampire Chronicles
Crisis Core: FFVII
If anyone is really wanting one let me know coz i have an extra one which is the value pack and with ridge racers and vampire chronicle. Hurry tho coz i have it on ebay :D.
CABBAGES posted on Dec 27 2004 at 12:20 AM said:
If anyone is really wanting one let me know coz i have an extra one which is the value pack and with ridge racers and vampire chronicle. Hurry tho coz i have it on ebay :D.

how much?
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Well the thing is i got 2 PSP`s 2 vampire chronicle and 2 Rdige racers. That came to around £700 :(. I thought at first thats not to bad. Then the ups guy comes and says that will be £135.44 and i was like :o. So altogether they cost me about £830. So now i got one of them on ebay for £400 or buy it now £500 thats with the 2 games too oh and its the value pack. I know its expensive but selling it at £400 isnt goin to make em any money mor liek lose about £15. oh well think i will get back to playing minnano golf :D and wait for my wireless thing that will let me play it online :D
no idea i hope it dosnt for a while :unsure: . But anyway i think it is good to have it when its so expensive makes it even better :D
Goity posted on Dec 27 2004 at 07:54 PM said:
pink, I'm thew biggest FF obsessive I know. in fact, 10 minutes ago I was playing FFX

wow, i know a guy playing it just eight minutes ago

still doesn't explain wtf you were talking about
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