

Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
just wondering, has anyone noticed that our forum is about the only one left not plauged with Fanboys?
I was just back at GBATemp where I was an origional member and I got bashed from all the newbs cause I said the truth about the PSP
its rushed to the markets so the first line will have problems
first line of anything has issues , give it time

what yall think?

I used to post there too, now I only use it for news of the latest dumps.

Nope, no fanboys here ... unless you count the occasional Zodiac trolls who pop in every now and then ... they get soundly trounced our collective "Oh yeah, who cares? We love our gp32_console so :p " attitude.
Well there was a time when it was heading that way, but I think everyone here has settled into which ever new handheld they have, not caring about the others too much.
I'd consider myself a Nintendo fanboy, but with good reason, because they kick the hell out of the competition! Though I do have an Xbox and PS2, too.
I have always thought that there are loads of GP32 fanboys here, but then it is not very obvious that they are fanboys, as we tend to just agree that the GP32 is the best handheld here.
If a lot of the people here were placed in another ie. GBA/Zodiac forum lots of people probably would start acting like fanboys...

My 2 pence. :D
I come across many Nintendo and Zodiac fanboys, I would say Zodiac famboys annoy me the most. :)

There may be some here but it is more subtle.
Jr2swiss posted on Dec 17 2004 at 03:23 AM said:
I come across many Nintendo and Zodiac fanboys, I would say Zodiac famboys annoy me the most. :)

There may be some here but it is more subtle.

I think the Nintendo fanbois are the most common and stubborn. They love everything Nintendo even if it sucks, and hate everything else even if it is good. I think that is the definition of a fanboi is that they say it is the best even if it isn't. Someone will say the DS screen is too small and they will say no it isn't it is great to me. Or if someone says the Gamecube doesn't have very many decent games, and the hardware is weak they will say the games are all the best and it is 10x more powerful than the Xbox even when it is in reality Xbox>Gamecube>PS2 for power and graphics.

Zodiacgamer has alot of fanboiz cause it is a Zodiac site. I used to be a Zodiac fanboi until I got a GP32 :)
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