The Physical Resiliance Of Gp32?


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Nov 10, 2004
Sovjet Finland
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Well, I had had my GP32 for 6 hours, and managed to tangle myself on a AC-wire, and drop the thing. Nothing to it, seems to work fine, though it did "hang" at the time.

Now, how badly have you handled your GP32? Still working? Just keeping it together with duct-tape?

Also, how well does it stand different temperatures? It's winter here, and I'm worried my GP might be exposed to cold, in my backpack, when on transit to work. And I would like to play it in sauna... But I think the moisture might actually be more of a problem with that... :P

Also, does your battery cover rattle, is it loose? How about the resilience of the buttons, in long use?

Also, for any NES users, how long did it take to get used to the button placement? I find it difficult to keep B pressed while tapping A. As you may know, you need to hold B down to run in Super Mario Bros... :ph34r:
same as you. hung on the AC-cable, turned my chair, and WHAM on the wall. However I smacked it into the wall as I was trying to prevent it from dropind
I have two small chips in the casing, where I dropped it on concrete. It's fine though. hanging of gp32 happens frequently in my experience
Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 04:17 PM said:
Also, how well does it stand different temperatures? It's winter here, and I'm worried my GP might be exposed to cold, in my backpack, when on transit to work. And I would like to play it in sauna... But I think the moisture might actually be more of a problem with that... :P
Cold weather is fine.

Extreme heat is very bad. DO NOT leave your GP32 (or any electronics, for that matter) in your car in the summer.

And no saunas!
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shinneri posted on Dec 15 2004 at 10:38 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 04:17 PM said:
Also, how well does it stand different temperatures? It's winter here, and I'm worried my GP might be exposed to cold, in my backpack, when on transit to work. And I would like to play it in sauna... But I think the moisture might actually be more of a problem with that... :P
Cold weather is fine.

Extreme heat is very bad. DO NOT leave your GP32 (or any electronics, for that matter) in your car in the summer.

And no saunas!

I understand, however, that cold might faciliate... um, condensation inside the GP32, shorting it out? I think the GP manual even mentions this...
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dropped mine down the stairs once. Was fine. Not even a scratch : )

I was in London once, on one of the numerous bridges accross the Thames and I dropped it. The GP32 bounced once, and went flying towards the edge.
It was balancing there Lock Stock style, so I had to bend down ever so carefully and grab it as quickly as possible.
I dont think it would have survived a dip in the Thames. ;)
I have everything ok except for the A-button, wich I use a lot, its becoming a bit unresponsive. But you can buy replacement buttonmembrames :D
But why dont you guys use rechargeble batteries?
I'm on my second gp32 - somehow the screen broke on mine while it was in a bag. That was probably my fault, but you should definitely be careful!
rattley loose battery cover..

when i bought a new motherboard for the PC there was a foam packing for it, I cut a little piece off and put it over the batt's in my gp32. no more rattling.
That's one thing that I like about my new BLU+

I've read lots of stories about bad build quality, crooked screens, rattly covers and unresponsive D pads and buttons.

However, my BLU+ is solid, doesn't ratlle, and seems pretty square too me (i.e. no crooked LCD). The only 'bad' bit is that the Gampark sticker is stuck on crooked on the back :)

One thing I have noticed, but I guess its the same for all GP32s, is how much noise the buttons/microswitches make, especially the shoulder buttons and the D-pad.
well, Ive had mine out at below 0 faren.. however u spell it
just re heat it slowyly and
you will short it out due to condensation, thats why u wait for it to dry / evaporate
plus the screen will look wierd during that time
but its fine afterwards
dropped mine numerous times, damn things a beast!

dropped mine on the bus , it continued to bounce all the way to the bottom , and then picked up by a 5 year old who insisted FINDERS KEEPERS ..... i never did see that gp32 again ...........

now for the happy ending , i gave the 5 year old a clip round the ear told him it was a big boys toy *i cudnt let him see that hentai slideshow !* and i took it back. works fine.

but my left shoulder button never clicks back up into place ALL the way
Mint condition. No scratches, nothing loose, not even a single smudge on the plastic screen. Yes, I'm obsessive-compulsive with all my handheld systems.
I fell asleep with my headphones in the socket, it fell onto the floor, managed to dislogde the right channel of the socket, suprisingly, the right speaker aslo dont work now, just need remeber where i put that damn solering iron :blink:
then it will be as good as new (only had it a few weeks) :D
just got mine last week, dropped it a couple times already. it hung but works fine now. does anyone know what would cause a machine to crash out but _not_ break when you drop it?... seems wierd as the GP32 has no moving parts.
rodders posted on Dec 15 2004 at 08:56 PM said:
just got mine last week, dropped it a couple times already. it hung but works fine now. does anyone know what would cause a machine to crash out but _not_ break when you drop it?... seems wierd as the GP32 has no moving parts.

What do you mean by "crash out" ?

Where I'm from, that's slang for "going to sleep wherever one is at the moment" :lol:
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Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 04:17 PM said:
Extreme heat is very bad.  DO NOT leave your GP32 (or any electronics, for that matter) in your car in the summer.

And no saunas!

so i guess trying to use my GP near the shower again is out of the question? ;)
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