Will there be anymore 'offcial' game releases????


Still Fresh
Mar 11, 2003
Will there be any NEW games from companys for the GP32? I looked at game releases and a game hasent come out in awhile, just wondering...
According to Gamepark, yes.

Go to the "Documents" section on GP32News (GP32news.com) and click on the latest Gamepark interview; you'll see them talk about upcoming game releases.

The most promising of the batch has got to be Darkstory R... for those who know Korean... ;)
Darkstory, that's gonna be a sequel of astonishia right?
Damn that game is SOOO KICK-AZZZZZ
The language barrier is no problem, honestly, if you're willing to invest any time whatsoever into the game, it is so easy to figure out (well to a point.... I'm kinda.... stuck right now...)
Anyway, I'm rooting for gamepark (isn't everyone here ;) )
GO OFFICIAL GMZ, YOU |<1**0|2Z mucho buttocks :D :D :D :D
There are a lot of brilliant European games which while finished are not on the GP32 because gamepark have messed developers about with the european launch and won't manufactuer SMC's, prefering to keep the games on megaGP which no one outside korea can access. They also have that habit of ignoring emails....
The games industry at the moment sucks eggs... a lot of small decent companies are going bust... perhaps this is a chance for the "back bedroom" coders to make some cash?
If i made a game, and sold it because it was 128mb. do you think that i would get in trouble with gamepark if i hadnt licenced with them, or would they be happy because my game becomes a hit and boost their sales?
TMNT posted on Mar 14 2003 said:
Uh, I dont think anyone would pay for any homebrew games....
I guess that would depend on the quality though.
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Nah, they would.

I know I would if it was good quality... besides, if MeGaGP ever becomes international and you release it on there, how will people ever know that it's homebrew?
<_< ... wait, would that still count as homebrew?
people would purchase your games....look at Superplusha...thats kinda of a homebrew game and he sells that fantastic game on MegaGP. Yeah...if you build it, they would come! hehe