Asking Price For A Dc??


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
Well, heres the deal
I need money for my SNES/64 project and another video card
so, Im gonna sell my Dreamcast
Its a fun system, but Its just not for me, hell, I cant figure out how to burn downloaded games so I have to buy all games
Damn lol
anyways, heres my set

Dreamcast , plays burned games, but wont come with the one I have
2 controllers
3 VMU's
1 keyboard , working
Sega Net CD

Phantasy Star Online
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 3
Dino Crisis
Sonic Adventure 2 demo
Unreal Tournament
Who wants to beat up a millionare

and ill post rest later

Color me interested in this. :)

Oh, and you might just have to update your sig... THREE ohioans now own a GP32! Well, I'll let u know when I physically have it in my hands, but...

anybody know a good price for the whole lot???
I was thinking about 50$ for the whole lot, shipping included
is that a good price??
and where at in Ohio do ya live??? always nice to have stateside owners!

$50 would be fine for me on this end. I'll take it!
Live in Dayton, tho I travel cross the state thru columbus (GREAT rush hour traffic there!) and Cleve Land (Howard the Duck, anyone??) all the time.

Kimo said he was shipping my Blu today. I really really hope to have it by christmas, so I have something to do at the parental's besides watch tv and play that little video solitaire radio shack unit they have!!

well, I cant find my last 2 games, but is that a good deal??
what should I charge guys??
50? 55? 60? I dont want to go above 65, unless someone will pay me that
so, I need a number

Octavious posted on Dec 7 2004 at 08:24 AM said:
Its a fun system, but Its just not for me, hell, I cant figure out how to burn downloaded games so I have to buy all games
you poor poor dc owner
that was the best part of dreamcast
it's not hard at all
try it
then think twice about selling your dc
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octavious the price for the system should be around 30 dollars
and then added the price for each game and keyboard and maybe the vmus
so... what price???
like 70-75$
I seen a set on ebay go for 45$ + 15$ shipping
it had DC, 3 games, 2 controlls, 2 VMU's

mine has a lot more, so the price should be a lot higher right?
cmon guy lol
im helpless, and I have no clue what to charge
should it be what
DC 30
keyboard 5
7 games 30
extra controller and 3 VMU's 10
75 bucks ??

I got my DC for $20. But it only came with one controller and i think the shop was trying to unload their DC stuff. Too bad really. Anyway, thats all i have to say
i don't know if you should sell games for very high at all
seeing how you can just download games for free

personally i think you would have to be crazy to buy a dreamcast set for 75 dollars
seems like a not-too-ridiculous price, considering the 2 joypads, keyboard and VMUs...

edit: and it's a piece of piss, burning pirated discs... homebrew's a bit more hassle, however.
burned discs play perfectly

i payed 30 dollars for a dreamcast wiht 2 controllers and a vmu and a gameshark and a demo disk
i now have a over 50 games and i've payed like 10 dollars for blank discs
bargain! mine was 30 quid (40? 45 dollars?) for a DC with one joypad and a non-visual memorycard... and sonic adventure,,,

sonic adventure is shit, BTW... yum! 10FPS... :huh:

number 2 was cool on the gamecube, however...
$60 for a DC? LOL! They run less than $30 with like 2 games free over here

Edit: By the way ALL DC's read burned games, just a different method of burning the discs for the newer consoles. The only reason a chip is needed is to play imports. But if they are downloaded it doesn't matter anyway.
but the extra 30 covers a second controller, a keyboard, 4 more games, 3 memory cards, and the Sega Net CD
seems like a deal to me
60 ( or MAYBE 55 , but I am not sure yet ) plus some shipping
