Dreaded PC-Link Host


Jun 8, 2003
I received my front-lit GP32 beast last week, and while I've been bragging and showing it off to all my friends, truth is I cannot get the darned thing to work. I've read every GP32 FAQ and manual I could find on the internet, and have downloaded working USB drivers for the unit, etc., but I always receive a series of "timed out", "error during GP32 process", or "communication error" messages before I can format the Smartmedia card or install Free Launcher. My OS is Windows 98 Second Edition.

To be more precise, I've tried:

1. All English versions of PC-Link I could get my hands on: 0.9, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1.
2. All English versions of PC-Link I could get my hands on, on my dad's Dell computer, admittedly also using Win98SE.
3. A "USB 1.0 fix" for my VIA Chipset from the company's web site. evildragon said regarding another owner's problem on this forum: "Could be an AMD PC with Via-Chipset...They always have USB Problems..."
4. Running Test Mode on my GP32. Everything worked fine, with the exception of UART, which gave me "timed out" errors, but I'm not sure what UART means anyway.
5. Emailing brian at gamepark dot com. No response. I'm lucky this community is so friendly and helpful, and there are so many knowledgeable GP32 owners willing to help. Wink. But seriously.
6. Three different Smartmedia cards, two Sandisk and one Samsung.
7. Fresh batteries, 1800mah rechargeables.
8. Threatening/cursing my GP32. This lead to tears and forced apologies.
9. Praying.

Should I give up and shell out the cash for a Reader/Writer? I don't really need the extra speed, because I know I'll tire after uploading a couple movie scenes (from Ghost World, Being There, and Legend of Drunken Master, already encoded :) ). Using a Reader/Writer, will I still be able to install programs such as Moviepark and ScummGP to the unit? Or could I transfer only files like mp3s, movies and roms?

Really, I just wanna play some good old NES classics on my lunch break. Please help me, I will appreciate you even trying! Thank you.
Only a guess, but have you installed the specific gamepark USB drivers? Everything else you've done sounds like it really should work.
Have you selected the "link mode" before starting up PC Link? It is the 3rd icon on the "desktop": select it, and when you read "Now waiting" you can run PC Link to upload anything you want. It seems a stupid and obvious explanation, but at the beginning I had the same problem, as nobody explain what "link mode" is :rolleyes:

Oh, I am new member, CIAO!
Make sure your USB cable is in the port in the back of your PC properly, the annoying rubber thing sometimes means it looks like it's fully inserted but it isn't

Edit:- :o I'm talking about the GP32 honest
Kai, I'm using three 128mb 3v SMC's.

GiG, definitely a good tip for beginners, I have been running link mode correctly on the GP32.

tk, my USB connection appears fine, but to be sure I tried fitting it tighter. Still no luck.

Keep em coming guys. Thanks for all the suggestions so far!
Hi jot2b,

Just curious.

Do you get any new icons/devices appearing in "Device Manager" in win98, Maybe under USB controler (Right click "My Computer" Select "Properties", Then second tab along), When you attach the GP32 the the PC????.

I have an AMD cpu with a VIA chipset on my machine and did get some problems with setting up the usb with the GP32.

trooper, when I turn the GP32 on when plugged into the USB port, "Gamepark GP32 USB" appears under USB controllers, and is working properly according to Device Manager. But saying you had trouble but got your Gamepark to work using similar hardware really gives me hope! Does PC-Link run flawlessly or nearly flawlessly for you now? Did you try something special to get it to work?

For everyone's humor, my dad just asked me how much money I spent on my new toy?
"About $200"
"And it doesn't work?"
"Well, not yet."

We enthusiasts are just misunderstood. Someday this thing will run, and then I will rule the world.
Hi jot2b,

I use a dual boot system win2k pro and win98, But PC-Link near flawlessly with either operating system.

On the win98 side i use the original usb drivers from GamePark (w98.zip) and PC-Link 1.2.
On the win2k side i use the XP patched drivers form this site and PC-Link 1.2 + the PC-Link Patch.

One thing i can suggest, If you have`nt already done so, Is update your VIA 4in1 drivers.

If that does not work let us know. :)

Hi trooper,

Updating the Via 4in1 drivers was an excellent recommendation, and I followed it, but I am still receiving the same errors. Thanks for the advice though!

This is really weird, the hard drive has been formatted, OS installed, Win98SE drivers updated, everything installed correctly, and still no version of PC-Link will run correctly. Could this be a problem with the unit itself? I'm going to try using a friend's WinXP machine soon, but if I find out it works on a different system, I won't be much better off. Should I buy a reader? Do I have a choice? ;)
I have, and since you mentioned it, GiG, I think it is. Thanks! The smartmedia reader I bought online is coming Saturday, but I will ask Play-Asia for a replacement cable anyhow.
Here is my professional (NOT) advice: Plug the USB cable in AFTER going into Pc-Link mode (on the GP32) then alunch Pc-Link host. Also I don't think that a SMC reader/writer will work unless you use a package extractor, but I don't know if package extractors can extract zpks........ I think your best bet is to format/install freeluncher (I see the typo, but I left it there, it is funny :P ) with another computer, then copy all your things with your SMC reader :)
Thank you everyone for the help! My reader arrived a few days ago and everything is great, I'm playing old NES and LucasArts games on my GP32 and listening to some *very clear* music through my studio phones.

My only complaint now is as several people have mentioned, the joystick is overly sensitive. I'm getting used to it, but still I wish there were a mod of some kind available. Guess I should figure out a solution to that myself. *Kapwing!* (shoots off through the atmosphere)

Thanks again guys!