Half-life Vs Half-life 2


Still Fresh
Nov 24, 2004
I've just bought Half-Life 2 for the PC, great game, but is it better than the first? No!
I think Half-Life is the best First Person Shooter ever made, and no matter what game comes out to challenge it, it won't be beaten.
What do you think?
I agree. I find the hald-lide story line wayyyy better than the HL2 one. I guess its only because it was the first one though. They should make some other games with the HL2 engine (not that dumb vampire one).
Half life 2 has the best engine in any game out IMO, the physics are very well done.. and most stuff reacts like you would expect it to in real life, the only thing missing is true bullet holes in walls and maybe destruction of walls etc..

The gfx in this game are way better than any game out today.. except for maybe doom 3, but this game makes up for it in much better game play.. not that the graphics are bad anyway ( the shadowing of objects is done very well ) and alot of textures on stuff sticks out alot.

Very good game, me and my dad played over the net on a LAN and the new deathmatch mode is good too, which also has team deathmatch which i didnt know about.
gfx != good game

After Doom came out, all other 1st-person shooters are, IMHO, just showcases for a developer's engine.
TelcoLou posted on Dec 5 2004 at 01:57 AM said:
gfx != good game


TelcoLou posted on Dec 5 2004 at 01:57 AM said:
After Doom came out, all other 1st-person shooters are, IMHO, just showcases for a developer's engine.

hmm... If it showcases an engine, *and* is a great game, does that make it bad?

quake, quake2, halflife, and deus ex were great games...

edit: and remember, Doom was an engine-showcaser, too ;) being the technological sequel to wolfenstein (which I enjoyed more)
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AH right . I forgot about Wolf 3D.

For me, though (and remember, this is only my humble opinion), After Doom (which was the initial reason for me wanting to get a PC in the fist place .. long story), I quickly grew tired of the "Look, shoot that creature/soldier/bot, find the colored key to move on to the next area, rinse, repeat" genre ... just not my taste in gameplay I guess.

Although Half-Life was an exception.

Note: I love Doom on the GP32 :)
Half-Life 2 isn't really like that. It has puzzles, physics, scripted sequences, tactical AI that requires thinking (esp. on Hard), a decent plot...plus you don't have to kill everything that moves - at least in the obvious ways.
AAAAAAAH!!!!! YOU PLAY WITH MAKE-UP! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :lol:
Half Life 1 was a revolutionary game. It brought many great new things to the table. Unfortunately it has aged rather badly. The engine is quite crap now, model animations are jerky and unnatural, and the jumping puzzles were fucking horrid (Xen anyone?).

HL2 fixed pretty much all that, it still has jumping puzzles to an extent, but because of the physics they are a quite a bit more fun to do instead of frustrating. The character animations are the best I have ever seen. Hell, they're more natural than most CG films! The 3D Engine is flexible, without being too revolutionary. I'd say Far Cry still wins when it comes to graphics and features (the gameworld is massive, with no load times after the initial start up). Doom 3 does lighting well on a technical level, but computers just can't handle that kind of implementation without looking crappy at this point of time (lol dark).

I can't really play though HL anymore, although I have finished it several times. On the other hand, there are other older games that I can still play and have fun. Most of these are older 2D titles though.

Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind is probably the best game I have ever played. The 3D Engine is awful technically, but it does the job, and even with the badly designed 3D engine Bethesda can make a beautiful, immersive world.
Goity posted on Dec 5 2004 at 12:12 PM said:
AAAAAAAH!!!!! YOU PLAY WITH MAKE-UP! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :lol:
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I think the first half life can be played on a gp32. Any one agree? :)
Linkinparkfov101 posted on Dec 5 2004 at 10:10 PM said:
I think the first half life can be played on a gp32. Any one agree? :)

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finty101 posted on Dec 5 2004 at 10:31 PM said:
Why hasn't he been suspended or something?

Why? The first halflife is playable on my p1 150 mhz computer with 1 meg of video memory and 64 megs of ram. Why cant it be modified to play on the gp32?
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NO FUCKING SOURCE CODE HAS bEEN RELEASED FOR HL1, SOURCE CODE IS NEEDED FOR A PORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How hard is that to understand.