Gamepark 32 Blu Info And Reviews

matt goode

Nov 30, 2004
Visit site
i have just purchased a gamepark 32 but have to wait till christmas until i can play on it can anyone pls tell me bout it, ie good games, emulators, reviews pls
gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
umm they are all over, just about everywhere
maybe the reviews part would be a good place to look? just a guess...


PS, you needed [/B] at the end to go bold
there is a review on

oh and there are a bunch of homebrew reviews at
or use the link in my sig. READ THE ONE I WROTE :P

edit srry its .de just fixed that!
While there's a fresh topic...

In what ways is the BLU's lighting better than the FLU's lighting?

Just curious, I might get a BLU if the differences are great enough.
Drag posted on Dec 1 2004 at 12:02 AM said:
While there's a fresh topic...

In what ways is the BLU's lighting better than the FLU's lighting?

Just curious, I might get a BLU if the differences are great enough.

The Blu has much better contrast than the FLU. The black level is much better and the colors more saturated. There isn't that annoying dust in the screen that the FLUs have. Also the lighting is much more even on the BLU, where as the lighting on the FLU is uneven and has lines in it.

Picture from the BLU below. Note any slight fuzziness is from the camera, it looks sharper in reality. This just gives an idea of the contrast.

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Personally I think the Flu's light is just fine, but then again ive never seen a Blu in action. Though i hear on the blu its kinda hard to see if you dont have the light on..

But if i were you id prolly get a Blu anyway because its not much more expepensive than a flu.

Unfortunately for me , the Blu wasnt released when i got my Gp32...
Personally I think the Flu's light is just fine, but then again ive never seen a Blu in action. Though i hear on the blu its kinda hard to see if you dont have the light on..
It is impossible to play the GP32 BLU without the light on. The screen is entirely non-reflective. However, with the light on, the BLU looks absolutely amazing.

I'm really not sure why they made it possible to turn the light off on the BLU. :unsure:
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shinneri posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
Personally I think the Flu's light is just fine, but then again ive never seen a Blu in action. Though i hear on the blu its kinda hard to see if you dont have the light on..
It is impossible to play the GP32 BLU without the light on. The screen is entirely non-reflective. However, with the light on, the BLU looks absolutely amazing.

I'm really not sure why they made it possible to turn the light off on the BLU. :unsure:

If you are playing MP3s you could save power with the light off maybe that is why you can turn it off. Also you can see it with the light off, it is just dark. Still after having a BLU I couldn't go back.
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shinneri posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
It is impossible to play the GP32 BLU without the light on. The screen is entirely non-reflective. However, with the light on, the BLU looks absolutely amazing.

I'm really not sure why they made it possible to turn the light off on the BLU. :unsure:

WTF you talken about i play my blu with out the light all the time mostly when im riding the bus.

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Was thinking of yanking the light off switch and attaching a dimmer (AKA Variable Resistor) with a dial to adjust the brightness of the BLU without turning it off.

Don't need it that bright in the dark or in bright daylight.

If I manage to pull that off, I'll send a picture.
shinneri posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
It is impossible to play the GP32 BLU without the light on.  The screen is entirely non-reflective.  However, with the light on, the BLU looks absolutely amazing.

I'm really not sure why they made it possible to turn the light off on the BLU. :unsure:

WTF you talken about i play my blu with out the light all the time mostly when im riding the bus.


Really? I've tried every light source I could think of, but I could never see anything.
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shinneri posted on Dec 1 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
It is impossible to play the GP32 BLU without the light on.  The screen is entirely non-reflective.  However, with the light on, the BLU looks absolutely amazing.

I'm really not sure why they made it possible to turn the light off on the BLU. :unsure:

WTF you talken about i play my blu with out the light all the time mostly when im riding the bus.


The same here. I play it all the time outside and in the car without the light.

Never had a problem seeing it.
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devlkore posted on Dec 1 2004 at 10:39 AM said:
I should be getting my BLU within a couple of hours, now, ThanX to you, I'm drooling on my keyboard, mmm...

My BLU was shipped by LikSang on Friday last week, it'd better be here sooner than later as I cant wait to lay my hands on it :)
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PiNa1971 posted on Dec 1 2004 at 10:58 AM said:
devlkore posted on Dec 1 2004 at 10:39 AM said:
I should be getting my BLU within a couple of hours, now, ThanX to you, I'm drooling on my keyboard, mmm...

My BLU was shipped by LikSang on Friday last week, it'd better be here sooner than later as I cant wait to lay my hands on it :)

I ordered 2 BLUs on thursday and the fucking DHL guy delivered it to the house next door (apparently "11" looks like "10") so I have to wait for someone to be in or bring it round, that is, assuming that they're not auctioning it on ebay as I type, GRR!


Sorry kids.
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I'm waiting for mine too! it's only meant to take 4 days to get here but this is the fifth. gah "mmuusstt, have,,,, GP32..