Interesting Habits


Reeks of fish
Feb 3, 2004
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Anyone here got any interesting habits he wants to share? I just sneezed and my father reminded me that I sometimes do this strange hand motion.... a little hard to describe, but here goes ;)

Sometimes, when I sneeze and feel it coming, I extend my thumb, forefinger and middlefinger while all the other fingers form a fist. I raise my elbow to the side; the first joint of my forefinger is in front of my nose. When I actually sneeze, I do some weird "cross" motion with my hand. The thumb gets closer to the hand and I move my hand down, stop under my breast, jerk to the left while moving it slightly upwards and then jerk to the right; this is all one fluid motion while about a one second pause after I have finished. I have idea why I do it and I only do it occasionally, but I actually do it. Looks pretty stupid too. On the plus side, it works as a snot catapult if push comes to shove :lol: This is all subconscious until I have actually done it...

Another habit of mine is actually pretty neat; whenever I operate some kind of device, before turning it on I usually check everything. How to describe it... when I meet some friends and we think about playing Gamecube, usually I connect it. I actually straighten out every cable and feel for broken parts (takes only a second, but worth mentioning), test if the plugs fit tightly and brush off any dust or dirt from the Gamecube.
Yes, I am handy to have around if you need something electronic cleaned or checked ;) I can't bring myself to not do it.
I bite my toe nails and eat them. Standard.
Oh and theres nothing more statifying than squeezing a huge custard head. Oh yeah
For some People, these habits, as Mosch describes them, get more and more, and eventually, that can be dangerous - Especially if you feel *forced* to do something - think about people who feel forced to pull their hair out, or people who wash themselves until their skin is all red.
My brother for example can't stand slightly opened drawers. Or, even better, when browsing the net, and he's clicking a link, there's some kind of dotted frame around the link, he clicks somewhere else just to get rid of that frame - even though the link is loaded 2 seconds later.
A friend of mine locks his car and runs 4 times around the car to check if any of the doors are open. Sometimes, after the fourth try, he isn't even sure he tried all the doors and starts running around again... Another thing is, he has to place any kind of items in a correct geometric shape. Like, he has 4 candles, he needs the candles to form the corner points of a rectangle. Everything needs to be symmetric. Move one of the candles and he'll go nuts.
I myself only have one habit, I _always_ grab something and play with it - while surfing the web, while coding, while watching tv, while reading - at the moment, my favourite "toys" are chinese chopsticks, but i can play with anything, no matter if it's a CD, a cable or plastic fork - but I need something to fiddle with. ;)
:) :) :) I HAVE TO GIVE MYSELF 'BOUT 6 SHOTS A DAY! :) :) :)
of insulin :P

My Girlfriend of about 4 years has diabetes and she uses the pump! She's had diabetes for about 8 years now, I don't know if you could go on the pump yet or if you want to do to playing sports or something. Taking shots would be annoying... although she gets annoyed when people ask her if her pump is a pager... who the heck uses pagers still?

Anyway a habit of mine is drawing anime style during my college lectures :-)
Yes, Geography and History have never been more fun :-)
... and it sometimes ends up on worksheets that need to be handed in... I wonder what my professor thinks
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I bite my toe nails and eat them. Standard.

YARGH! You're not coming to my next party :P

And don, I have a lock checking habit too - I ALWAYS lock the car and then grab the door handle and pull, not matter the circumstances :D I also do the fiddling-thing, I just realized it and put the wire cutter I was fooling around with away..... it's incredible how much you do without realizing it.
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I have a habit of ripping off the paper lables on drinks bottles. I guess it must be particularly annoying to someone who is talking to me on my break and I'm sitting there pulling off lables and then either rolling them up carefully or folding them into an interesting shape depending on how badly I ripped it.

I have lots of other little habits which could be classed as slightly obsessive compulsive behaviour but I think we all do that to some extent. Besides I learnt when I was a kid that if it gets too annoying I just tell the thought to bug off. :blink:
I crack my knuckles all the time due to people in my Tea-Kwon-Do class. And after a while of doing it u sometimes due it twice one after the other even though u just did it a second ago. My knuckles hurt due to this. :lol:
I always always always mess with stuff.

I cant do ANYTHING without doing something with my hands.

If im reading a book ill mess with the pages, if im reading on the omputer ill hilite and un hihlite the text.

I also beatbox when theres silence. like now.
don, it sounds like some of your friends are displaying signs of OCD.

i incessantly make noise whenever i have company, unless of course its a silent moment which makes any quiet times even more poignant (sp.???)
I also eat the paper thingies left from a page that had been torn out of a spiral notebook while doing schoolwork. :lol: :lol:
when i see a mobile like mine. i have the habit of taking all my clothes off and humping the leg of the person who has it shouting " EAT MY FACE!!! EAT IT!"
U guys have mobiles out there? I thought that was only in the southern united states.Hahaa :lol: (Damn rednecks <_< )